Star Wars Outlaws Reportedly the Last Hurdle Between Us and the Return of a Fan-Favorite Ubisoft Franchise

Star Wars Outlaws is the only thing standing in the way of The Division 3.

Star Wars Outlaws


  • Rumors suggest that The Division 3 is the next major project for Ubisoft after Star Wars Outlaws.
  • The gaming community has been patient about The Division 3 and may have to wait a little longer.
  • Star Wars Outlaws will give the fans a new point of view at the height of the Galactic Civil War.
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Star Wars Outlaws is scheduled to be released later this year, and the gaming community is excited to see what Ubisoft has to offer. However, the fans have their sights on something else and have been patiently waiting for any updates for a third major entry in The Division franchise.


Ubisoft has been quite tight-lipped about the iconic franchise, but if rumors are to be believed, the company means go into full production once Outlaws has been shipped. Fans may have to take these rumors with a grain of salt and understand the nature of game development.

Star Wars Outlaws May Be the Last Roadblock for The Division Sequel

Star Wars Outlaws is scheduled to be released later this year on various platforms.
Star Wars Outlaws is scheduled to be released later this year on various platforms.

The upcoming project is a great change of pace for Ubisoft; the developers put in a great deal of effort to create a new opening for the beloved franchise through an interactive experience with a great and ambitious narrative. The task of developing an original story through Star Wars Outlaws set in the original trilogy can be a daunting task, but the developers realized the untapped potential and made the bold move of entering it.


However, the gaming community is eagerly waiting for The Division 3, which is rumored to be on hold until this Star Wars project has wrapped up and is shipped to storefronts. It is wise for the company to not work on more than one major project to avoid dividing resources and the focus of the developers.

Doing so could put the projects at risk and skew the quality in ways imaginable that could ruin the reputation of Ubisoft and the franchise. Great games take time, and the gaming community should take this as a positive development for the game series, which is a testament to the commitment of Ubisoft to do things right.


Ubisoft Is Taking Its Time to Avoid Ruining Star Wars Outlaws

Ubisoft will not put either Star Wars Outlaws or The Division 3 at risk by developing both games simultaneously.
Ubisoft will not put either Star Wars Outlaws or The Division 3 at risk by developing both games simultaneously.

Game development takes time, and it would be a disservice to give either of these projects only half of the full workforce of the developers. Ubisoft has the option to ship two polished video games with different timetables or release them simultaneously in half-baked states that do not reflect the vision of the developers.

The hype is high for a third major entry in The Division franchise, but Ubisoft has to be fully committed to this project. Perhaps the fans can take the quality of this upcoming project as an indication of what the future of Ubisoft games will look and feel like.

Fans can only hope and pray that the wait was worth it and trust that the developers did the right thing by putting one highly anticipated project on hold and green-lighting a riskier project related to Star Wars. Only time will tell about how the game will be received and determine whether or not Ubisoft made the right choice.


Would you prefer to play The Division 3 over Star Wars Outlaws? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 552

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.