The Acolyte Season 1 Episode 4 Recap and Spoiler Review — Who Kills Kelnacca?

This article from the Disney+ series The Acolyte (2024) Season 1 Episode 4 contains significant spoilers.

The Acolyte (2024) is now streaming on Disney+
The Acolyte (2024) is now streaming on Disney+


  • This article from the Disney+ series The Acolyte (2024) Season 1 Episode 4 contains significant spoilers.
  • The fourth episode of The Acolyte is the best of the season and one of the best Stars Wars outings Disney+ has ever done.
  • Here at FandomWire, we give the episode a grade of 9/10.
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This article from the Disney+ series The Acolyte (2024) Season 1 Episode 4 contains significant spoilers.


The fourth episode of the Disney+ series The Acolyte is one of the most epic installments of episodic television the streaming service has ever produced. The show begins with Osha gathering her things and leaving the Jedi Academy. She thanks Jecki Lon for clearing her name and, by happenstance, finds out that her twin sister Mae is still alive.

Osha leaves, but then we see Mae has landed on the forest’s outer rim, near the Jedi village of Khofar. Mae and Qimi leave their ship, and he offers her an ominous reminder: Mae must still kill the Wookie even though her sister is alive because of the deal she made. Who did Mae make the deal with? It’s an intriguing question with an explosive reveal at the end of this episode.

Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte | Image via Disney+
Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+

Disney+’s The Acolyte (2024) Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Why Does Sol Ask Osha To Join Them On Their Mission?

Sol asks Osha (Amandla Stenberg) to come for Mae’s protection. At first, she thought her former master wanted her to rejoin the Jedi ranks, but not so fast! Sol says that when he saw Mae and Osha, her face changed, and there was still good inside her. Osha argues that Mae killed her family. However, Sol convinces her to come because he knows Osha still cares about her twin sister.

Sol (Lee Jung-jae), Osha, Yord, Jecki Lon, and others head to Khofar to locate Kelnacca. When they land, Yord tries confiscating the Jedi-approved weapon that Osha is carrying. However, they are interrupted when Jecki Lon is told that the great Wookie went into the forest. Sol, in a moment of Jedi mansplaining, looks toward the woods and tells everyone he went in there (duh).


The group heads through the woods and up the mountains like The Fellowship of the Ring (or The Von Trapp Family).

Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte | Image via Disney+
Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+

Who Kills Kelnacca?

We don’t know who killed Kelnacca (Joonas Suotamo) in The Alocyte. After Mae ropes Qimi (Top Gun: Maverick’s Manny Jacinto), she leaves Qimi hanging and heads to Kelnacca’s home to turn herself in. She thinks the Jedi will not kill or imprison her if she explains her side of the story. Mae decides that her loyalty is to Osha, not her new master, who trained her.


However, when Mae arrives at Kelnacca’s home (it looks like the lower level of the Wookiee’s home in the Star Wars Holiday Special), she finds he has been murdered. Sitting in his desk chair, Kelnacca has a fresh lightsaber mark sliced across his torso. The mark looks fresh (there’s steam from Kelnacca’s stomach), and Mae hears Sol and his company demand that she come outside.

Dafne Keen in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+
Dafne Keen in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+

Disney+’s The Acolyte Season 2 Episode 4 Ending Explained: Who is Mae’s Master?

This chapter of Star Wars: The Acolyte ends with Mae’s master descending from the sky and softly landing behind Osha, Sol, and the team. Yord tells the ominous figure to stand down, but instead, they unveil their red lightsaber and look down at Osha. All of the Jedi behind her draw their weapons.


However, the unnamed figure uses the Force to toss Osha to the side and to Sol and his team flying through the air before the end credits roll.

Who is The Acolyte?

I can only assume “The Acolyte refers to the villain Mae made a deal with. Who could it be? A stand-alone character? Or maybe one of the characters in the series already?

Could Amandla Stenberg play a triplet? Is Qimir the villain? He seemed to be very invested in Mae killing Kelnacca and has sneaky skills for someone who pretends he is helpless. Or maybe Jodie Turner-Smith’s mother has been alive all along?

Joonas Suotamo in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+
Joonas Suotamo in The Acolyte (2024) | Image via Disney+

What did you think of The Acolyte Season 1 Episode 4? Comment below.

You can watch this series with a subscription to Disney+.



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Written by M.N. Miller

Articles Published: 142

M.N. Miller is a film and television critic and a proud member of the Las Vegas Film Critic Society, Critics Choice Association, and a 🍅 Rotten Tomatoes/Tomato meter approved. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from Mansfield University and a Master's from Chamberlain University. However, he still puts on his pants one leg at a time, and that's when he usually stumbles over. When not writing about film or television, he patiently waits for the next Pearl Jam album and chooses to pass the time by scratching his wife's back on Sunday afternoons while she watches endless reruns of California Dreams. M.N. Miller was proclaimed the smartest reviewer alive by actor Jason Isaacs but chose to ignore his obvious sarcasm. You can also find his work on Hidden Remote, InSession Film, Ready Steady Cut, Geek Vibes Nation, and Nerd Alert.