1 God of War Character Was So Powerful Even Thor Was Scared to Fight Him and It’s Not Kratos

One giant scared the life out of the mightiest warriors of Asgard, Thor and Odin.

god of war


  • Norse God's insecurity and inferior strength against one giant, lead them to resort to dirty politics.
  • The Giant that the Norse God's feared the most was too powerful for even Thor to take on alone.
  • A fight between Kratos and Starkad would've resulted in absolute destruction of the world as we know it.
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In Norse mythology and the God of War, one giant’s strength was unmatchable to the gods of all realms. He was a giant with 8 arms, wielding 4 swords. He was so feared among all the gods that even Thor, the mightiest Norse God, would dare not fight with him alone. Thor is considered the strongest warrior in Norse mythology but his might consisted of trickery and dishonourable fights.

In the Castle of giants Kratos, The God of War finds a tale about Starkad
Starkad | God of War Wiki | Fandom

In the universe of God of War, giants were usually considered a peaceful community with immense physical and magical abilities that made the Norse gods insecure. The Norse Gods resorted to politics, to wipe out anything threat to their position on the throne. And on Mimir’s advice, they did the same with Starkaðr.

The giant that shook the halls of the Norse Gods

The most feared giant in all realms was called by the name of ‘Starkaðr’. Mimir, the advisor to Odin, believed that if the giants were ever to organize an army, Starkaðr would’ve been their general. A decision Mimir later regretted. Mimir said –


As Odin’s advisor, i kept him advised… and having bent his will towards Starkaðr’s doom there was no dissuading him. 

Kratos trvels with his son to scatter the ashes of his late wife Freya.
A Still from God of War

The Norse gods grew weary of the threat lurking within the confines of their gates. Odin sought to have Starkaðr killed and, with even Thors unwilling to take up the giant alone, Aesir set forth slanders upon Starkaðr’s name by branding him throughout the realms as a monster to be feared. According to Mimir’s account, part of Odin’s story included an alleged abduction of an Elf queen who killed herself rather than being ravished by the giant.

In the end, Thor and Odin managed to ally with Vanir gods and the armies of Midgard who surrounded him and showered arrows upon him until he was brought to his knees. He surrendered, hoping by trial he could clear his name, but Thor took advantage of this situation and cut off his arms, one after another, until he bled to death.

God of War Vs the Mighty Giant

Starkaðr had immeasurable strength; having 8 arms he was considered to have superhuman abilities and was deemed the mightiest warrior of Jötnar. His strength was even too overbearing for the likes of Thor and Odin, who had to resort to politics to have him killed. Even then, he put up a great challenge for them. He was invulnerable to both melee and magical attacks to an extent where even after facing the might of Vanir gods and the army of Midgard he did not die but was merely weakened. Starkaðr was a frost giant and could control ice too.

Kratos stands in front of the world serpent
A still from God of War

On the other hand, Kratos, The God of War, wields the Leviathan Axe which belonged to her late wife Freya, and the Blades of Chaos, powerful chain blades Aries gave him after he pledged his allegiance to him. Kratos gains recognition after killing Aries as a mere mortal and goes further ahead and kills Zeus, whom he believes to have done him wrong. Kratos became the most powerful God in all realms and everyone started to fear him.

It is difficult to conclude who the superior warrior is among the two. Both have achieved beyond the imagination of gods, making them some of the strongest characters in Norse and Greek mythology. It is no doubt that a fight between the two would result in the destruction of both, the earth and the sky.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 65

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.