10 Vintage Superhero Shows Adults Will Love But Kids Will Be Super Bored With

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Superhero shows and movies might seem like recent developments in pop culture, but they’ve been around for a few decades. With the rising popularity of comics, comic houses shifted to cinematic productions to attract new audiences, and so began the journey of superhero movies and shows. And what a journey it has been!


The plot, directing styles, dialogue writing, everything has changed. However, the classics are still too young to die. They might not be as entertaining to today’s adolescent viewers accustomed to more refined screenplay writing and graphics, but those who grew up in the ’70s and ’80s can truly appreciate these gems. 

10. Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman- The Man of Steel is portrayed very differently in this series. As the name suggests, the centric focus of the plot was Lois and Clark’s relationship. To older viewers, the dynamic between the two protagonists helped form a genuine connection with the show. But for the kids who grew up watching movies jam-packed with action, it would be boring.

The superhero show focused on Superman's dynamic with Lois


9. Super Friends: Super Friends is probably the Thomas and Friends of its time. With an almost nonsensical plotline, the show is silly to even 10-year-olds today. It’s filled with incompetent villains and cliché one-liners. Besides the nostalgia it might evoke in older viewers, the series is a total stinker.

Super Friends; a poor take on Superhero animation

8. Green Arrow: Arrow: Making its debut in 2012, Arrow is one of the more recent shows featured in this list. He’s somewhat a Batman knockoff; rich guy operating as an undercover vigilante. Oliver Queen’s portrayal of Green Arrow doesn’t give audiences a true glimpse of the superhero, making the series a bit dull.

CW's Arrow

7. Heroes: It was centered around the idea of regular people possessing superpowers. To put it simply, Heroes was a non-animated Incredibles, minus the humor and vibrancy of a superhero film.



6. Agents of SHIELD: One of Marvel’s more popular TV series, Agents of SHIELD, started as a complementary production to the main MCU. For this reason, the show was quite a bore unless you regularly kept up-to-date. It was also more on the grittier side rather than being razzle-dazzle, making it less engaging for the younger audiences.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Not really a superhero show

5. Smallville: Not all comic fanatics make an effort to familiarize themselves with the entire backstory of a superhero. This was an important aspect the writers of Smallville missed when creating the show. The storyline without background knowledge isn’t enough to keep audiences engaged.


4. The Incredible Hulk: The 1978 show that featured the future powerhouse of the MCU was one of Stan Lee’s favorite shows. Each episode had themes relating to real-life issues, which did a better job of portraying Bruce Banner than all of his subsequent movies. However, it isn’t your typical superhero show with kicks and punches.

 A still from the show


3. The Greatest American Hero: What sets The Greatest American Hero apart from most superhero shows is the origin story of the protagonist. However, Ralph Hinkley’s adventures can be a bit repetitive as the storyline lacks variety. As a result, the series isn’t very captivating.

The Greatest American Hero

2. Batman Series: Most people define Adam West’s Batman series as revolutionary. The series has the classic elements of the ’60s cinema: corny one-liners and over-exaggerated fighting scenes.

Adam West's Batman

1. Flash: Much before Grant Gustin’s flash debuted on CW, a separate series on the Scarlet Speedster aired in the 1990s. Essentially, the show is pretty good. The plotline mainly revolves around elements picked up from the comics, and we saw Barry Allen as a brilliant scientist. However, the new series is undoubtedly much more refined and polished in terms of costume design, special effects.

The original superhero show based on the Scarlet Speedster


Check out the YouTube video:

BLACK WIDOW Special Look Featurette | Scarlett Johansson, David Harbour, Florence Pugh


Written by FandomWire Staff

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