3 Best Things in UFC 5 and 3 Worst Things That Will Make Fans Lose Their Minds

Gamers need to know the positive and negative points of UFC 5 before buying it.

3 Best Things in UFC 5 and 3 Worst Things That Will Make Fans Lose Their Minds


  • UFC 5 was released on October 24, 2023. It is the fifth instalment of the UFC franchise, developed by EA Vancouver and published by Electronic Arts.
  • Before people go out to buy UFC 5, it is important to know the features of the video game and whether there are any improvements or not.
  • With better presentation, bloody knock outs, and a great multiplayer mode, it sure stands out from the rest.
  • But the career mode and camera work can be a potential deal-breaker for the gamers.
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UFC 5 has been released a few days ago. People who love to watch UFC and are fond of the sport will definitely go for this game. The Ultimate Fighting Championship has always attracted sports fans since it differs from WWE. People can actually use separate combos instead of the same signature combos assured to each player in WWE video games.


With UFC 5 launched in the market, it is interesting how it fares against its older version, UFC 4. According to the gaming community, few changes have been made. Some have made the game better, while others have downgraded. So, let us look at three features that can make UFC 5 the best game of the series and three components that will make the fans return to UFC Undisputed 3.

3. Better Presentation Than UFC 4

ufc 5 tunnel walk out
UFC 5 tunnel walk out

One of the improvements that Ultimate Fighting Championship 5 made is improving the presentation. The fighters are in the tunnel getting ready for their fights and being escorted by his team members and security. With better sounds and crowd noises, the game’s dynamic nature can be pretty well experienced by the gaming community. Other than the absence of the entry theme song, it is definitely an improvement.


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2. UFC 5 Is Bloodier Than Its Predecessors

ufc 5 cuts
UFC 5 cuts

Cuts, blood and UFC have always had a personal connection. UFC 5 has done a better job of portraying it than its predecessors. The cuts are more vividly visible, and the sweat droplets and blood trickling down effect are much more prominent. During the K.O. punches, blood will fly onto the canvas, giving it a natural look. Even the commentators will comment on the open cuts and bruises during the fight.

1. Multiplayer Mode

ufc 5
UFC 5 Online Mode

Probably the best thing about UFC 5 is the multiplayer mode. The veterans of this video game will look forward to it. People can battle it out with other players. One of the best things is that the Blitz mode is back, where the user needs to win six consecutive battles in a tournament to win a trophy. Unique rules can be set for each match, which is an exciting addition to the multiplayer mode.


Three reasons to ditch UFC 5

3. Camera Work

ufc camera shifting left
Camera shifting left

One of the weaker points of UFC 5 is that during a fight, the camera suddenly shifts to the crowd, and when it returns to focus on the players, the fighters will go through each other and end up in a submissive position. The sudden change of focus can change the result of a match. This can be a potential deal-breaker for UFC 5 if the developers do not fix it.

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2. Submissions Are Weak

ufc 5 submission system
UFC 5 submission system

Submission shave their own health bar, which is good. But the problem arises when a fighter reaches 0 stamina. If the opponent holds them in a submission hold, that fighter will immediately give up. It is a negative game feature since people have seen that even when the fighters are close to getting knocked out, they struggle for some time. But the game forgot to include these aspects in the game.

1. Career Mode

ufc 5 career mode
Career Mode

Electronic Arts has practically done nothing with the career mode. They just copied and pasted it from UFC 4. UFC 5 has the same career mode as UFC 4. Even the menu matches the previous game. It is disheartening to see that such a popular franchise under such a massive developing company does not work. The same horrible voices, tutorial fight scenes, and similar cut scenes should have been changed with something better.

Also Read: EA Sports UFC 5 Is Headed to Xbox Series X/S and PS5 in October 

Priyanko Chakraborty

Written by Priyanko Chakraborty

Articles Published: 645

Priyanko is a Content Writer at FandomWire, and specializes in anime. He is currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Economics. Priyanko has previously worked as a content writing intern. He spends half of his day writing on anime, and the other half watching it.