Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How to Beat Wraith in ‘I Knew You Had It In You’ Walkthrough

Fight your former ally Yuri aka Wraith, her new vigilante alter-ego.


  • Fight Wraith in the third The Flame side-mission, 'I Knew You Had It In You'.
  • Familiarize yourself with parrying and dodge attacks.
  • Use your webs, gadgets, and abilities to make the fight easier.
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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is full of villains in its main adventure. However, there are two optional boss fights to encounter if you complete the side missions. In The Flame missions, you meet Wraith who was formerly known as Yuri Watanabe, the NYPD Captain who helped Spider-Man stop Wilson Fisk.


If you played Marvel’s Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps, you would know what happened to Watanable to drive her out the police department into becoming the masked vigilante. In The Flame mission, I Knew You Had It In You, you have to face off against Wraith after she tries to kill the cult’s leader. If you’re having trouble defeating Wraith, here is a comprehensive guide on how to beat Wraith in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

When Do You Face Wraith In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man catching up to Wraith before she kills The Flame's leader
Spider-Man catching up to Wraith before she kills The Flame’s leader

The Flame missions are side missions in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. They involve The Flame cult and Wraith. From learning Yuri is back on the streets to what the Crimson Hour is, Peter’s job is to take these cultists off the street. 


During the first The Flame mission, you see Wraith’s methods of taking out the cultists are brutal and not Spider-Man-friendly. While Peter wants these people to be stopped, he also must consider what Wraith is doing and prevent harm to those she may hurt. 

Because The Flame missions are only playable with Peter, it’s up to him to stop Wraith from taking matters into her own hands. The connection Peter and Yuri share is more personal whereas Miles has never interacted with her. In the third The Flame mission, I Knew You Had It In You, Peter must fight through waves of cultists again but also fight Wraith at the end. 

How To Beat Wraith In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

After saving The Flame cult leader from bleeding out, it’s time to fight Wraith. Be sure to use your webs and gadgets to slow Wraith down. Throw punches whenever she’s cocooned in your webs. Parry her red attacks with L1 to open an opportunity to deal damage after. Press the button right before the attack lands to parry successfully.

The double red circle above Wraith indicates the attack can be parried - how to beat Wraith
The double red circle above Wraith indicates the attack can be parried

Once she’s down to about half health, a cutscene will trigger. Be prepared to block or parry Wraith as she throws more red attacks at you. How to beat Wraith? We’re halfway there. 

Once the second phase begins, Wraith survives the surprise explosive from the cult leader. Use L1 + square, triangle, circle, or x to perform one of Peter’s special attacks. Use these together with your normal punches and web shooters. There are no crush attacks to worry about yet, just worry about parrying/dodging the red attacks for now.

When Wraith loses about one-third health during this phase, she throws a smoke bomb making it harder to see where she is. She’ll start by throwing her chain at you. A red warning indicator will appear above Peter’s head to let you know when the chain is about to hit. Press the circle button to dodge or take a significant amount of damage. You can block or parry these attacks but you don’t get a chance to attack after. 

After Wraith throws the smoke bomb, dodge her chain when the red indicator appears above you - how to beat Wraith
After Wraith throws the smoke bomb, dodge her chain when the red indicator appears above you

She will also start doing crush attacks. You must dodge them as they cannot be blocked or parried. Her red attacks now have a pattern where she’ll throw three in a row. Block the first two and parry the third to give yourself an opening to attack. At half health, she will smoke bomb the screen again. Dodge like before when the red indicator appears above Peter. If you have any focus bars to use, save up two for a finisher or use them to heal.

When the smoke dissipates, use your web shooters to tie her up to throw punches. How to beat Wraith boils down to dodging incoming attacks, parrying the two-circle red attacks, and using all the webs and abilities at your disposal.

Using Accessibility Options For Wraith In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Slow down time with Game Speed to avoid crush attacks easier
Slow down time with Game Speed to avoid crush attacks more easily.

Depending on where you are in your playthrough of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you might be unfamiliar with the parry mechanic. It’s nearly required to use in every major boss fight. If you decide to blitz through The Flame missions as soon as they become available to you, the Wraith boss might give you trouble. However, if you decided to do it much later in your playthrough, parrying Wraith’s attacks might be easier.


If her attacks are too fast for you, turn on the accessibility option, game speed. This option allows you to slow down the action which makes parrying much easier. Other accessibility options such as QTE autocomplete and enhanced auto-aim are not that useful here since most of the combat is hand-to-hand. Lowering the difficulty will make Wraith an easier opponent if his output damage is too high. 

And that’s how to beat Wraith. One of the many boss fights to take down in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. There’s another optional boss in the side missions too, featuring an iconic Spider-Man villain, with the guide for that coming soon!

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Written by Travis Vuong

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Travis Vuong is a games journalist and content creator. He's been a YouTuber since 2008 and continues to create videos under the "tvsonicgaming" banner. All social media accounts and his podcast: