“Who doesn’t? Not really a hot take”: Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt Proves He’s Just One of Us With Hilarious Response to Todd Howard’s Baldur’s Gate 3 Opinion

Johan Pilestedt does not appreciate stating the obvious again and again.

baldur’s gate 3, helldivers 2


  • The CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios and creator of Helldivers 2, Johan Pilestedt, has responded to a tweet featuring a Todd Howard opinion.
  • Todd Howard shared his appreciation for Baldur’s Gate 3 and stated that Larian Studios deserved the success.
  • Pilestedt said the opinion is not a hot take and went ahead to tweet the same words as a light jab.
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Even though Helldivers 2 has achieved some great things, Johan Pilestedt has not let the fame get to his head. The CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios can be found on X engaging in substantial discussions about his game, answering fan queries, and interacting with the gaming community as a person instead of a studio boss.


Another good marker of a healthy mindset is being forthcoming with appreciation where it’s deserved. Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3 was a smash hit in 2023, and when Bethesda’s Todd Howard admitted as much, Pilestedt just wanted to let everyone know the obvious was being restated.

Johan Pilestedt Shares His Love for Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 was a landmark achievement for the studio.
Baldur’s Gate 3 was a landmark achievement for the studio.

It’s no secret that Larian Studios knocked it out of the park with its latest game. The 2023 D&D-style RPG has, in many ways, broken the mold. It’s a game that can keep players engrossed for many hours and has set an unfair standard for other developers.


So, when Howard stated that Larian Studios deserved its success, he was preaching to the choir. Johan Pilestedt feels the same way, as he replies to the tweet, saying it is not a “hot take.” Others agree with the CEO, understanding that claiming a studio that made a game that has won many awards is the one deserving of success.

Pilestedt would then go on to tweet that he too feels Larian Studios deserves the success. The way the tweet comes off, he is attempting to play off the sentiment as a controversial take. The sarcastic tone isn’t lost on his followers, as one replies, “Brave of you to say this.” However, there were some parts of the game that even the CEO found a bit much, such as romantic relations with a certain cephalopod.


It’s good to see game directors and CEOs giving proper credit where it is due. While the gaming industry is competitive, it shouldn’t be to the point where it feels hateful or unhealthy. Understanding that all games are works of art and effort helps people appreciate the time and energy each studio invests in its works.

Arrowhead Is Hard at Work on Helldivers 2

Should Helldivers 2 focus on Warbonds or game fixes?
Should Helldivers 2 focus on Warbonds or game fixes?

The same can be said for Pilestedt and the team behind Helldivers 2. The game is still wildly popular, pulling in six-figure concurrent players, but it’s not perfect by any means. There are some issues and glitches that need to be worked on, a task that may require the studio to decide between massive patch fixes and releasing timely Warbonds.


Arrowhead has committed itself to a Warbond release every month. The community manager on Discord shared that keeping to this schedule while also working on patches and fixes can get difficult. Fans have stated Arrowhead has set itself an unsustainable schedule, and many feel focusing on patch fixes would improve the game experience overall.

Regardless, no further comment has been made on the topic. We can assume Arrowhead will stick to its Warbond schedule, as skipping out on a month can severely affect revenue. Warbonds help to remonetize the game every month by adding new content and weapons.

What are your opinions on Larian Studios’ title? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 325

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.