Not Henry Cavill or Christopher Reeve, Another Actor is the Best Clark Kent DC Ever Had

Nether Henry Cavill nor Christopher Reeve can compete with Tom Welling for the best Clark Kent of DC title.

Henry Cavill, Christopher Reeve and Best Clark Kent


  • Superman is one of the most beloved superheroes of all time and his alter-ego Clark Kent is equally famous.
  • While Christopher Reeve or Henry Cavill are often regarded as the best Superman, they have not fared as well when it comes to Kent.
  • Despite their amazing portrayals, DC fans believe that the Smallville star Tom Welling is the best Clark Kent of DC.
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Superman/Clark Kent is one of the first superheroes to come to life and among the first to have made his live-action debut. Ever since Kirk Alyn became the first person to portray the DC hero in live-action in 1948, there have been dozens of actors who have portrayed the character till now. Among the many actors, Christopher Reeves, Henry Cavill, Brandon Routh, and Dean Cain are often heralded for their incredible portrayals.

henry Cavill as Clark Kent in a from Man of Steel
Henry Cavill as Clark Kent in a from Man of Steel | Warner Bros.

But ask DC fans about who played the best Clark Kent in live-action, the answer is none of the above. Instead, several fans feel it is Tom Welling who was the best Clark Kent that DC ever had.

Tom Welling is DC’s Best Clark Kent Yet

Tom Welling as Clark Kent in a still from Smallville (Image: CW)
Tom Welling as Clark Kent in a still from Smallville (Image: CW)

Over the last few decades, Superman has been portrayed by several actors and fans seemed to have loved most portrayals. Yet, Christopher Reeve, Henry Cavill, and Brandon Routh have garnered a separate fan following for how well-suited they were for their on-screen superhero counterparts.


However, when it comes to being the best Clark Kent, the human alter-ego of the Kryptonian superhero, Tom Welling is the reigning champion according to the majority of DC fans (via X). Welling starred in the hit CW/WB series, Smallville, which ran for 10 seasons from 2001 to 2011. A much younger take on the superhero’s origin story, Welling’s Clark Kent was a teenager, unlike other iterations of the character.

One of the highest-rated superhero series, Smallville quickly became a favorite of DC fans and fans loved how well the actor portrayed the teenage life of Kent and his dual superhero identity. The result was that the series and its lead soon received numerous awards and nominations, from Emmy Awards to Teen Choice Awards.

And now, despite having rejected the role twice (via, Tom Welling is one of the best Clark Kents of DC of all time.


Not Christopher Reeve or Henry Cavill, DC Fans love Tom Welling’s Clark Kent

Tom Welling' Superman
Tom Welling’s Clark Kent becoming Superman (Image: Smallville | CW)

While playing Superman is crucial, portraying his human alter-ego, Clark Kent, is just as important. Portraying Kent effectively demands an actor to capture the character’s inner struggle, moral compass, and awkward and bumbling demeanor. While Reeve and Cavill did ace the role in their own ways, it was really Tom Welling’s portrayal that resonated with fans the most.



Tom Welling’s portrayal of Clark Kent in Smallville was not only perfectly balanced but also encapsulated the vulnerable and relatable side of the iconic character. His performance continues to resonate with fans, making him a standout as the best live-action Clark Kent according to many DC enthusiasts.

Smallville can be streamed on Amazon Prime.


Written by Maria Sultan

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Maria Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. Having honed her skills are a Freelance and Professional content writer for more than 5 years (and counting), her expertise spans various genres and content type. A Political Science and History Graduate, her deep interest in the world around shapes her writing, blending her insights across diverse themes.

Outside the realm of writing, Maria can be often found buried in the world of books or pursuing art or engaged in fervent discussions about anything or everything, her passions balanced by binge watching Kdramas, Anime, Movies or Series during leisure hours.