“Put me in coach I’ll play”: Helldivers 2’s Xbox Fans See an Opening as the Game Numbers Continue to Decline

Xbox players are reminding Arrowhead Game Studios that they are prepared to be drafted in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 Xbox


  • Xbox players are still willing and waiting to jump into Helldivers 2 if Sony shares the live service game.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios has their hands tied in terms of exclusivity, and the publisher has the final say.
  • The player count for Helldivers 2 is dwindling but could be salvaged with the aid of a rival platform.
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Helldivers 2 is in a rough spot right now and Arrowhead Game Studios is struggling to keep the game afloat. PlayStation 5 and PC users are noticing a drastic decline in quality, and some of them have given up the fight for democracy, which leaves the war effort in need of extra manpower.


Fortunately, there is an untapped platform of dedicated players on Xbox. The players have been begging for the developers to port the game on their platform, but Sony is still in control, however, there is a potential slim chance of it being ported if the publisher is unhappy with the player count.

Xbox Players Are Prepared to Join the War in Helldivers 2

The Xbox community are always left out when it comes to exclusive games and Helldivers 2 could prosper on the platform.
The Xbox community is always left out when it comes to exclusive games and Helldivers 2 could prosper on the platform.

Sony is always a step ahead of the competition regarding exclusive gaming experiences. The decision to release Helldivers 2 on both PlayStation 5 and PC on day one was a risky move for the publisher that ultimately paid off. There are disadvantages to locking an expensive AAA game on a specific platform, the cost may not be covered because not everyone has a console, but it never bothered the PlayStation brand given its strong library of exclusives.


Reminder that there’s still an untapped pool of potential new recruits looking to join the fight for liberty
byu/SPECTREagent700 inHelldivers

Some fans think Sony should reconsider and start thinking outside the box. The live service genre is difficult to perfect, and Arrowhead Studios has done something remarkable that shouldn’t be abandoned. Porting the game on Xbox would significantly improve the player count, but at the end of the day, Sony has the final say.

If, by some miracle, the game is ported, the developers should ensure that it is running in an ideal state. Allowing these players to join in the fun would generate more chatter for the game and the developers should increase their efforts to work on fixing all the bugs and glitches that are plaguing the game right now.


Helldivers 2 Could Use Some Reinforcements

Xbox players are willing to enlist and fight the intergalactic war in Helldivers 2.
Xbox players are willing to enlist and fight the intergalactic war in Helldivers 2.

The irony is that Microsoft is known for games with a similar vibe and atmosphere but couldn’t get the best game on its platform. Some creative modders managed to include the iconic mascot, Master Chief of the Halo franchise into the game and gave the community a glimpse of what could have been.

The recent controversies caused by the publishers could cause a strain on its relationship with the developers and fans are wondering about the possibility of a sequel being exclusive on the rival platform.

There is a whole discussion regarding the legal rights and issues that would make it impossible, but the studio wouldn’t need to go through the hassle if Sony would be willing to share.


Exclusivity used to be positive, but the world has evolved and realized it can be viewed as passive-aggressive towards players on a certain platform. The game industry is a cutthroat business, and the players are the casualties.

Would you like to see Helldivers 2 on Xbox? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 581

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.