“Sounds like Helldivers 3 is gonna be a sick Xbox exclusive”: The Discourse is Changing and Fans Think Xbox Could Benefit from the Helldivers 2/PlayStation Controversy

The gaming community thinks a third Helldivers game could prosper on Xbox than PlayStation.

Helldivers 3


  • The gaming community thinks a third Helldivers game can fare better on Xbox.
  • Sony has thrown Arrowhead Game Studios under the bus and allowed them to take the fall.
  • Helldivers 2 is a strong asset for PlayStation that can be nabbed by other rivals.
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Helldivers 2 has seen some better days but the recent controversy regarding the linking of PlayStation Network accounts to Steam sent a bad message. Fortunately, the situation was resolved quickly but some fans are suggesting a shift in platform could make it better.


Sony owns the IP but Arrowhead Game Studios is an independent game developer and made games across different platforms. Perhaps Microsoft will extend an invitation and give these developers the proper tools and support to make a new one for the Xbox community.

Helldivers 2 Developers Could Make a Sequel or Spinoff for Xbox

The days of Xbox fans being salty about Helldivers 2 could come to an end with they get one of their own.
The days of Xbox fans being salty about Helldivers 2 could come to an end with they get one of their own.

Both PC and PlayStation users were graced with Arrowhead Game Studios’ latest project and it was a welcome surprise. It is currently the best-selling game of the year despite all the controversies and it already has a strong player base and receives constant support from the developers. Sony gate kept the game from the one platform that is into these sorts of games which forced the rival community to bite the bullet and grab a PS5 just to dive in.


This recent shake-up has put the relationship between Sony and the developers to the test and may lead to them seeking out other partners for future projects. Microsoft was on an acquisition spree and took in studios that could help improve its library of games, perhaps there is now a small window of opportunity while Sony still refuses to share the game with the competition.

The video game was a strong asset for Sony and Microsoft could use one for itself to get back in the console wars. It was a system seller and many players picked up a PS5 just for the sole purpose of enlisting and joining the fight in the Galactic War. Arrowhead Studios could come up with a new franchise and take the success of this game and make it better on a much grander scale.


Xbox Could Be the new Home of the Helldivers 2 Successor

PlayStation had a good run with Helldivers 2 when it lasted.
PlayStation had a good run with Helldivers 2 when it lasted.

Despite reversing the initial decision to integrate both Steam and PlayStation Network accounts, the damage has already been done. The gaming community is now in the middle of a restoration effort to undo all the negative reviews posted to apply pressure and gain the publisher’s attention.

Sony demonstrated a severe lack of empathy and concern for its customers when it abruptly pulled the video game from 177 countries that did not have its proprietary network. This action left players stranded and unsupported, without any assistance or guidance from the company. It’s a clear example of a corporation putting its interests above those of its loyal customers.

The worst part is that Arrowhead Game Studios took the fall and the publishers did not even respond or react until it saw the negative impact. Microsoft can now make some moves and recruit these mistreated developers and give them the support to face public backlash.


Do you think Xbox could be the perfect home for Arrowhead Game Studios’ Helldivers 3? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 750

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.