Disney is Sitting on a Potential Goldmine: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans Can Return in Marvel Zombies after Concept Trailer Goes Viral

The trailer has been making the rounds online, as fans wait for an update about the animated show.

robert downey jr, chris evans, marvel zombies


  • Superhero horror is not a genre that has been explored much in modern media.
  • Marvel Zombies has received an AI generated concept trailer that shows why the property could bring back MCU legends to take another shot at playing beloved characters.
  • If done well, the show could prompt more of the same from rival companies, such as DC's DCeased storyline.
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Superhero films have a knack for doing well when they blend with genres that suit them well. Be it the adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy masquerading as a Space Opera or Captain America working his superhero magic in a political thriller, the genre seems to be fast-evolving into tropes and ideas that are commonplace enough to be classified as a setting rather than a genre.

Marvel Zombies
Marvel Zombies

Marvel Studios has already announced Marvel Zombies is something that they are actively developing as an animated series. However, given that the multiverse is in play in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel could bring back some of its biggest stars who have retired from the franchise after Avengers: Endgame, and allow them to take their respective characters for a brand new spin, especially after a concept trailer that has been making the rounds on the internet

A concept trailer for Marvel Zombies spotlights how a key talent could return to the MCU

A still from What If...? Season 1 | Marvel Studios
A still from What If…? Season 1 | Marvel Studios

A concept trailer for Marvel Zombies, created using generative AI instead of footage from other films and shows (as was the norm before the AI boom) depicts a Marvel Universe that is ravaged by some sort of necrovirus, which has caused all of Marvel’s beloved heroes to turn into the undead.


Not only will a live-action Marvel Zombies project allow the MCU to bring back actors that have long exited it, such as Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., and Scarlett Johanson,  but it will also allow them to flex their acting muscles a little more than what they have been doing with their character over the Infinity Saga.

This novel’s take on each character fusing the zombie apocalypse and superhero settings, might just yield a fresh take on the genre that challenges the actors to bring out another side of the characters that they have played for so long.


Marvel Zombies could start a new trend in the superhero genre

DCeased | DC Comics
DCeased | DC Comics

Superhero horror is a relatively unexplored genre. Marvel Zombies would probably serve as the first high-profile exploration of the genre. If the show does well, it is hard to imagine that other superhero horror stories would not come out of the woodwork to follow suit. There are plenty of characters outside of the zombie setting that can lend themselves to a horror story.

DCeased is a similar run involving Zombies from DC Comics that one could assume will be adapted into an Elseworlds story if Marvel Zombies ends up sticking the landing. There are a slew of other characters that can also lend themselves to the horror genre, like Blade, that could benefit from the melding of the superhero and horror tropes.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 713

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.