Helldivers 2 Turns to the Illuminate in the Latest Major Order in a Bid to Destroy the Terminids Once and for All

The conflict against the Terminid is coming to a close in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 Illuminate


  • The Ministry of Truth turns to the Illuminate to snuff out the Terminid in Helldivers 2.
  • Helldivers 2 players will make use of a hazardous bioweapon to put an end to one threat.
  • The plan to wipe out the Terminid threat will require a lot of planning and time.
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Helldivers 2 players received a new mandate from the Ministry of Truth and it is a tall order. The players are tasked to permanently put an end to the Terminid threat with the use of a new prototype bioweapon that coincidentally comes from another enemy faction called the Illuminate.


The Ministry made a deal with the devil to end one evil with another but it is war and it is only a matter of time before they will resort to more desperate and questionable methods. Players are about to embark on a journey that could wipe out one faction while enabling a new one.

Helldivers 2 Players will Put an End to the Terminid Threat

Helldivers 2 players will defeat one enemy faction with the help of another.
Helldivers 2 players will defeat one enemy faction with the help of another.

The Terminid faction can be annoying to fight but the gaming community pulled through with a creative idea that would better utilize these enemies for a new mission type. Fortunately, the Ministry of Truth has had enough of these bugs and found a better solution by wiping them out of existence for good.


The players will be exterminating this threat with a substance from the Illuminate, these creatures have a horrifying character design and can be described as what nightmares are made of. There is no telling of powerful or what these creatures are capable of but if the Ministry is willing to save this threat first and use its resources to destroy another then it is safe to assume the Helldivers are more than enough to fend them off.

Scientists have acquired a new substance known as Dark Fluid and synthesized it into a bioweapon that is said to be effective against the Terminid. Perhaps the Ministry is desperate to end this threat and resorted to a much more unethical method which involves the use of a different kind of weapon to harm these creatures.


The Illuminate will Replace the Terminid in Helldivers 2

The Ministry of Truth is playing a dangerous game regarding the enemy variety in Helldivers 2.
The Ministry of Truth is playing a dangerous game regarding the enemy variety in Helldivers 2.

While it is a positive development to permanently put an end to a hostile force, there will always be another to take its place. Perhaps the new enemy type will up the ante and spice up the overall experience moving forward and will force the Ministry’s hand once again to dance with the devil to snuff them out.

Any long-time fans of Arrowhead will be able to tell you a lot about the Illuminate after they were involved throughout the first game, but we’re still waiting for them to make an appearance in Helldivers 2, but it seems the wait could be coming to an end.

Wars are not only won by soldiers but the weapons they are given to fight. The resourcefulness and ingenuity of the scientists could help save countless lives but opened the door for another problem that could be a threat to democracy.


The extensive planning phase involves a highly ambitious strategy that will necessitate a substantial deployment of Helldivers to carry out the decisive assault against the Terminid. Failure is not an option and it is only appropriate to do this properly once to avoid any more casualties.

The Ministry of Truth must have carefully assessed the situation and thought of every possible alternative to end the problem but ultimately chose to end it with another. The demise of the Terminid came by the hand of another faction which makes this poetic.

What are your thoughts about the latest order in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 625

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.