“It’s one of the coolest locations in the game!”: Fallout 76’s Most Unbelievable Location was Inspired by an Equally Incredible Real Life Counterpart

The lead artist behind this idea elevated the offerings of Fallout 76!

fallout 76


  • The Monorail Elevatory location in Fallout 76 is one of the most memorable in the game.
  • Lead artist Nate Purkeypile claimed the inspiration for the location was The Falkirk Wheel in Scotland.
  • Fans have commented that it is the coolest location in the game to happen upon when exploring the wasteland.
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Love it or hate it, Fallout 76 does offer the average fan of the series a big world to explore. This is one of the core gameplay appeals for Bethesda open-world titles. They always manage to create locations that strike a sense of wonder and awe when first witnessed.


Those who see these locations must often wonder how the developers and artists behind the game were able to envision such a layout. Well, it’s not all pure imagination! Imitation is the best form of flattery, and the developers of Fallout 76 are not shy when it comes to sharing the sources for their inspiration.

Iconic Fallout 76 Location Inspired by Real-World Mechanism

Fallout 76's Monorail Elevator is abandoned but still impressive.
Fallout 76‘s Monorail Elevator is abandoned but still impressive.

Even the most fantastical elements in gaming have their roots in reality. Whether it’s Winterfell from Skyrim or even Rapture from BioShock, one can draw similarities between those locations and ones found on our planet. It’s always interesting to see how developers can give their rendition, which is the case with Fallout 76’s Monorail Elevator!


Nate Purkeypile – The Axis Unseen, a former lead artist for the game, recently revealed the inspiration for this location on the map. Purkeypile has been offering some very interesting tidbits of information regarding the game, such as his involvement in the creation of Fallout 76’s Scorched. Now, he has revealed that the Monorail Elevator location was inspired by a fully functional mechanism found in Scotland!

The Falkirk Wheel, a rotating boat lift in Tamfourhill, connects the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal via a very interesting operating model. The arms can rotate like those of a Ferris wheel, connecting a water platform with the overhead stream. It is said the elevator functioned similarly, but we never see it in operation in the game.

Now overrun by ghouls and the Scorched, the elevator stands as a reminder of the time before the Great War and nuclear strikes. Players can traverse the structure by using the various planks and scaffolding placed by unknown parties who called the location their base for a while before abandoning it.


Fallout 76 Gains Resurgence After TV Series Success

People are now giving the game a second chance.
People are now giving the game a second chance.

When the game was first released, it was panned by fans and critics alike. Not only for the live-service aspect of the title but also for the bugs and lack of content that made the entire experience lackluster. But the success of the Amazon Prime series has given the game the boost it needs to continue surviving.

This is not to say Bethesda and Xbox are in their fans’ good graces. In fact, the recent closures of several studios have led many fans to call out the practices at the company, labeling them as unfair. Some fans have even taken to exacting their revenge against Phil Spencer in the game!

The Xbox CEO’s base in the game was nuked as a response to the studio closures. But the man is not taking this lying down. While he stated it was more of a personal vendetta, he is also gearing up to launch a retaliatory attack.


Which location in Fallout 76 has caught your eye? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 325

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.