After Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2 Issues, Ark Survival Ascended Adds to the Xbox Series S Woes

Xbox Series S continues to disappoint when it comes to modern games.

alan wake 2, hellblade 2, ark survival


  • After Alan Wake 2 and Hellbalde 2, Ark Survival joins the list of games that aren't fully optimized for Xbox Series S.
  • The low-quality graphics of the Ark Survival Ascended on Xbox Series S makes it look like a PS3 game.
  • Despite all the shenanigans surrounding the Xbox Series S, it still remains a favorite.
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When the Xbox Series S hit the market in 2020, it was immediately labeled an underrated console. In a period where gaming as a hobby can be pretty hefty on the old wallet, the Xbox Series S became a savior for those who wanted to enjoy console gaming but weren’t ready to spend a lot. Even though it was a genius move at that time, the console isn’t aging well, and its popularity is only deteriorating as time goes by.


While the console’s low price is lucrative for buyers, it comes at the cost of lowered performance. The release of Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2 on Xbox Series S highlighted the console’s limitations in running modern games. Negative reviews continue to pile up for the console, and the release of Ark Survival Ascended has only added to the misery.

Xbox Series S Struggles with Performance Regarding Titles Like Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2

Ark Survival Ascended lowered quality on Xbox Series X
Ark Survival Ascended lowered quality on Xbox Series X

When the Xbox Series S was unveiled, it was perceived as a solid console that allowed users to enjoy games by sacrificing some performance. Thankfully, most games that were compatible with Xbox at that point ran smoothly on the console, and even though there are noticeable performance differences between Series X and S, the price point convinced many buyers to go with Series S instead.


However, the world of gaming changes fast, and new-generation games are leaving the console in the dust. When Alan Wake 2 was released on Xbox Series S, users reported that the console struggled to maintain a stable frame rate. Hellblade 2 is another game that couldn’t fully utilize the console, as users reported downgraded textures, reduced draw distances, and lower overall graphical fidelity.

Ark Survival Ascended is now playable on Xbox Series S, and players aren’t shying away from showcasing the console’s limitations while playing the game. The console’s lowered graphics quality makes the game look like a PS3 game, which is simply unacceptable in 2024. While Ark Survival Ascended isn’t known for its top-notch graphic quality, it seems the developers failed to optimize it for Xbox Series S.

What’s Next for Xbox Series S?

Xbox Series S is still in demand
Xbox Series S is still in demand

As time passes and more new games hit the market, it’s likely that the Xbox Series S will continue to struggle. In a time when 4K gaming is starting to become mainstream, the console simply pales in comparison. Furthermore, the console’s low and irregular FPS count on many modern games might deter users from buying it in the future.


One of the Xbox Series S’s major drawbacks is its storage capacity. The console comes with a 512GB SSD, of which only 364 GB is usable. This is fairly low, as modern games are usually big. When you consider that the console doesn’t support physical media, this makes storing games a hassle.

Despite its shortcomings, the Xbox Series S remains a popular choice for those looking to buy a cheap console. Microsoft’s venture into cloud gaming could be pivotal for the console’s narrative, as it could solve the hardware and storage issues. Additionally, many users aren’t fussed about a game’s graphical quality and are just interested in experiencing the gameplay.

Would you buy or recommend the Xbox Series to someone in 2024? What do you think Microsft will do in response to criticism? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 36

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.