“We wanted to challenge ourselves”: Not Just Bloodborne, But We Won’t be Returning to 1 FromSoft Franchise After PlayStation’s Disappointing Announcement

Bloodborne is not the only FromSoftware franchise that is being thrown under the bus by PlayStation.

bloodborne, playstation


  • Another FromSoftware and PlayStation exclusive title is getting the short end of the stick with Sony's decreased efforts to support the PSVR 2.
  • Bloodborne fans are optimistic that the new co-head of PlayStation, Hideaki Nishino will greenlight the highly-requested remaster.
  • Director Hidetaka Miyazaki revealed that FromSoftware has no power over Sony when it comes to projects they have partnered with.
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Bloodborne is an underutilized gem of the Soulsborne franchise and the developers are not at fault. The folks at Sony Interactive Entertainment have other pressing matters to attend to, and it appears that the highly acclaimed Soulslike genre is not at the top of their priority list.


It is unfortunate to see a game with a niche fan base feel seen and neglected. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki holds that specific project with the utmost respect and will always have a special place in his heart. Sony is the only roadblock keeping the developers from expanding its franchises.

Bloodborne Is Not the Only Soulslike Game Being Undermined by Sony

Sony is the massive thorn between the gaming community and a Bloodborne sequel.
Sony is the massive thorn between the gaming community and a Bloodborne sequel. | FromSoftware

Sony Interactive Entertainment and FromSoftware collaborated for an exclusive Soulsborne title on the PlayStation 4 and the result was near perfect. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki spent a good amount of time working on Bloodborne and imparted many ideas and challenged him as a game developer.


The studio moved on to a new project called ‘Déraciné‘, which was Miyazaki’s introduction to the world of virtual reality; however, it seems like Sony is dialing back on the support of the PS VR 2, which means the company is pulling the plug on another FromSoftware project yet again.

In the case of Deracine, there was new technology with virtual reality,

The director continued by sharing his enthusiasm for a new learning experience.

We wanted to challenge ourselves as a studio and acquire some new learnings to apply whatever it is we did next.

The gaming community was convinced that the easter eggs and references in the virtual reality game were a direct hint or subtle confirmation for the much-awaited sequel. It was the closest thing the developers could do to honor something they cherished but end up being a dead-end.


Fans of both of these games have been begging the company to make use of these underutilized gems. Hideaki Nishino is fond of the Soulslike title; perhaps the gaming community has found its champion for a remaster through Nishino.

The Downfall of the PlayStation VR 2 Will Have Major Consequences for FromSoftware

Bloodborne is not the only FromSoftware game to be affected by Sony.
Bloodborne is not the only FromSoftware game to be affected by Sony. | Sony

Sony announced an official adapter for the PSVR2 headset for the gaming community to use and link up with a PC. It appears the company has lost interest in producing original triple-A content for the hardware and is being sold as an accessory for other platforms.

This is bad news for the FromSoftware VR title and, likely, Sony will not permit the developers to work on a sequel or spinoff like what happened to Bloodborne. It is annoying to see a franchise with great potential be undervalued.


Some fans think Sony is messing with them by adding a cosmetic item inspired by the Soulsborne game in the upcoming Astro Bot game. Perhaps Sony is trying to get a reaction out of the fans.

Regardless, Sony fails to see the value of its other franchises and only uses them for merchandise which is not the content fans are after. The fans remain hopeful for these games to receive the treatment they deserve.

What are your thoughts about how Sony is handling its Soulslike games? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 746

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.