Bloodborne Movie Reportedly Casting Bill Skarsgård as Lead Commits the Same Mistake as Michael Fassbender’s Assassin’s Creed

With Bill Skårsgard potentially joining the Bloodborne movie as the lead role, fans are worried it will make the same mistake as other video game live-action adaptations.

Bloodborne Movie Reportedly Casting Bill Skarsgård as Lead Commits the Same Mistake as Michael Fassbender's Assassin's Creed


  • A Bloodborne movie adaptation has been in works since last year as revealed by an insider.
  • With Bill Skårsgard potentially playing the lead role, fans are worried it will make the same mistake as the 2015's Assassin's Creed film.
  • Fans hope the movie will focus on the lore element of the video game rather than just adapting the gameplay into a movie form.
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There has been a growing trend in recent times when fans have got to observe their favorite video game franchises getting turned into a live-action adapted movie or even a TV series.

The Uncharted movie or the recent The Last of Us series is a perfect example of the same, and to excite fans once again, Sony has been working to bring FromSoftware’s Bloodborne to the big screen since last year. However, recent leaks by a reputed insider, DanielRPK suggest how the production is headed towards making the same mistake the Assassin’s Creed film did nearly a decade ago.

Bloodborne Standalone Franchise | FromSoftware
Bloodborne Standalone Franchise | FromSoftware

Why Bloodborne Live-Action Adaptation Is On Its Way To Commit A Classic Mistake

As mentioned before, it has been quite a while since the game’s adaptation to the big screen has been in the works. Furthermore, the recent leaks delivered on Daniel’s Patreon reveal how the studio is looking forward to employing Adam Wingard to direct the film along with Bill Skarsgård to play the leading character.

What concerns many of the fans is how the movie might be headed towards making the same mistake as many other video game live-action adaptations have done over the years. We are talking about how movies like Michael Fassbender’s Assassin’s Creed often focus on the technical aspects of the game, such as fighting bosses and exploring the map, instead of focusing on the lore of the game.

Assassin's Creed Movie (2015)
Assassin’s Creed Movie (2015)

There were many paths open for the Assassin’s Creed movie when it came to deciding which direction the plot should go in. The movie could have potentially covered how the Knights Templar came to be or how the Assassin’s Guild was formed. Unfortunately, the movie in the end just happened to be a live-action adaptation of a gameplay that everyone has already experienced.


What Would Be The Best Outcome For The Bloodborne Live-Action Adaptation

With fans desperately wanting more Bloodborne content and with no remakes and remasters in sight, a live-action movie would need to do for now. However, what would be dreadful is if the movie were to just cover Bill Skarsgård going around on the map of Yarnham to fight different bosses.

While the above may seem inevitable, there is still some hope left. The best thing for the producers while moving forward would be to focus on the lore aspect of the game. This could primarily include the origin story of the bosses present in the game, whether it be the Orphan of Kos or even the Ladya Mraia of the Astral Clock Tower.


Hidetaka Miyazaki’s brilliance in storytelling as always allows the producers to focus on the rich and extensive lore side of the game rather than just a simple gameplay that has been adapted to a live-action. Sony even has the chance to go over the origins of Yarnham, the map of Bloodborne itself, giving it originality.

Aaditya Chugh

Written by Aaditya Chugh

Articles Published: 479

Aaditya Chugh is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. With a passion for everything gaming, he's the one you turn to for the latest insights and reviews straight from the industry. Whether he's diving into timeless classics like the first ever Doom or staying up-to-date with the newest releases like Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade, he provides whatever you might need to stay in the loop.