Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s Get High Mode Proves Fans are Right To Request 1 Feature that Benefits Everyone – Activision Blizzard Need to Listen

Modern Warfare 3 fans hope that LTMs will be made more accessible with a simple change.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s Get High Mode Proves Fans are Right To Request 1 Feature that Benefits Everyone – Activision Blizzard Need to Listen


  • Call of Duty fans are unhappy that LTMs only last a short time.
  • Fans are requesting that an arcade playlist be added to Modern Warfare 3 to account for this issue.
  • Activision Blizzard has the opportunity to make a change for the better.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s limited time modes, or LTMs, have caused a stir in the community recently, with fans upset that the game modes do not stick around long enough. The latest in this line of modes is Get High, a new parkour-based mode that sees players attempt to complete a high rising parkour course.


Players are not happy with these game modes being so limited, sometimes lasting only a day before being deleted entirely, and are requesting a new feature be added to the game to increase the longevity of the LTMs.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Needs This Feature Now

The Get High mode lasted a day and then was removed.
The Get High mode lasted a day and then was removed.

The requested feature in question is an arcade mode, Players want the LTMs to be placed into their own separate playlist so that people who missed out on them can have a chance to enjoy them. An arcade mode added to Modern Warfare 3 would facilitate this request.


Dataminer and leaker Boof shared on X their request for the addition of an arcade playlist, stating that “a playlist with all of them would be an ideal solution for those who missed out or want to play them again”.



The games industry lately has had a lot of justified criticisms directed at it lately, and the big corporations tend to be at the center of those criticisms. Activision Blizzard could begin to earn a lot of goodwill with fans and potential new players if it granted wishes like this one, made a good game, and people would play it.

Why An Arcade Playlist Would be Ideal

It would be in Activision Blizzard's best interests to include an arcade playlist in the game.
It would be in Activision Blizzard’s best interests to include an arcade playlist in the game.

A feature like this could also be expanded on with a rotating roster of modes to always be replenished with new content, making for an enjoyable play experience where there is always something new rather than having them constantly disappear.

Get High only lasted one day before being removed, which had fans questioning why they bother spending the time and resources to develop these game modes if they’re not going to keep them around long enough for people to actually enjoy them.


Gunfight in Modern Warfare became a very popular mode because it was there for the game’s entire life span, so Activision Blizzard should learn from its own successes, listen to the fans, and at least consider this game mode, which would only benefit players and the company alike.

The fans are right to request an arcade that will only make the game more enjoyable, but what do you think? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Dustin.C

Articles Published: 33

Dustin is an avid gamer, comic book reader and movie lover. His interests include, Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics.