A Call of Duty: Warzone Bug May be Ruining the Game, but it’s Also Showing Us What a Multiplayer First-Person The Boys Game Could Look Like

The hacker is breaking the rules, but they have also shown what a The Boys game could offer players.

A Call of Duty: Warzone Bug May be Ruining the Game, but it's Also Showing Us What a Multiplayer First-Person The Boys Game Could Look Like


  • A Call of Duty: Warzone hack now allows you to equip superpowers in the perk slot.
  • Superpowers were added to the game during the The Boys: Diabolical Crossover event.
  • The hack shows what a potential The Boys first-person game could look like.
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Call of Duty: Warzone is no stranger to hacks and cheats trying to get the best kills through illegitimate means. The people over at Raven Software and Infinity Ward are constantly rolling out new anti-cheat implementations to keep the playing field as fair as possible.


But it is inevitable that some slip through the cracks or others find loopholes and exploit them. Such is the case with the latest Warzone bug, which has allowed hackers to equip superpowers like those from The Boys in their perk slot and spam them as and when required, which also gives us a glimpse into what a first-person The Boys game could look like. 

Hackers Are Always Trying to Get the Upper Hand in Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty and The Boys have collaborated before, but this hacker is taking it to the next level
Call of Duty and The Boys have collaborated before, but this hacker is taking it to the next level.

In a post on X, the Twitter handle Detonated posted a video demonstrating a hacker utilizing the exploit. In the video, we can see the hacker moving at, well, superhuman speeds, closing distances, and evading the aim of opponents while racking up their kill count. We also see them actively using the perk, which looks like a health syringe injection, to reactivate the superspeed and continue their rampage. 


The post also mentions that it “Needs to be fixed ASAP”, and we couldn’t agree more, as this is genuinely game-breaking and a guaranteed loss for anyone going up against this hacker. Superpowers from The Boys series were added to Call of Duty: Warzone as part of the Diabolical crossover event. However, it was meant to be limited to the Kill Confirmed mode, and the powers could only be activated temporarily by picking up the Temp V consumable. 

The Hack Needs to be Addressed, but it Does Open Up Some Interesting Possibilities

Temp V allowed players to enjoy momentary bursts of power in Kill Confirmed
Temp V allowed players to enjoy momentary bursts of power in Kill Confirmed.

While hacking a game to win is never a good practice, this particular one does act as a trial version of a first-person The Boys game. Now, it does have guns, and the gameplay doesn’t change drastically even with the powers. But it takes only a bit of imagination to wonder what such a game could look like. The Diabolical crossover event added Charged Jump (Queen Maeve), Electric Shockwave (Stormfront), Laser Vision (Homelander), Teleport (Hughie Campbell), Durability (Black Noir), and Super Speed (A-Train).

Expanding on this idea and going for a The Boys battle royale could be an interesting gaming experience for fans of the series and PvP players alike. With all the bloodshed and gore that is present in the series, it wouldn’t be that strange to see a game that has people going head-to-head in a way to kill each other with superpowers. 


It may also be an idea for Call of Duty to add such a move that is devoid of guns and simply a superpower battle royale. Since they have already partnered with The Boys a couple of times, they have laid the foundation for such a mode. Would you play a superpower-only battle royale game? Let us know in the comments below.

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 372

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.