“Calling him the worst is a bit too much”: Ryan Reynolds Fans Come in to Defend Him After Critics Question His Achievement in Hollywood

Ryan Reynolds fans have the perfect defense for the harsh criticism he has been facing lately.

Ryan Reynolds


  • Critics have targeted Ryan Reynolds for making what they consider to be "cash-grab" movies, even labeling him "one of the worst big-name actors in Hollywood."
  • However, fans argue that Reynolds' films, demonstrate his talent and entertainment value.
  • They are highlighting his ability to merge comedy and action, making his performances widely loved despite the lack of major accolades.
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Everybody knows just how much Ryan Reynolds has been acing his game in the entertainment industry lately, and the hype surrounding his upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine is more than enough to prove this point. If anything, he has worldwide audiences hooked on his iconic performances as he perfectly portrays the comedian and action hero at the same time, especially as Wade Wilson.

Ryan Reynolds. | Credit: Chris Jackson/Wikimedia Commons.
Ryan Reynolds. | Credit: Chris Jackson/Wikimedia Commons.

Although, yes, his career may not have had all that many smash-hit masterpieces as others besides those of the sassy Marvel anti-hero, he has still led a fairly entertaining career. That being said, die-hard fans of the master of snark couldn’t help but jump to his rescue to defend him when a critic brutally tried to criticize his performances and question his achievements in Hollywood.

Ryan Reynolds is Getting Criticized Over His Achievements in Hollywood

As of late, Ryan Reynolds has been gaining a tremendous edge in Hollywood as one of the most talented actors of all time. Not only has he proven how perfectly he can incorporate both his action and comedic chops together while acting, but he also continuously managed to leave his audiences baffled with his star-studded performances.

Reynolds in a still from Free Guy. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.
Reynolds in a still from Free Guy. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.

However, when it comes to his box-office achievements and the major accolades he has been nominated for and received to date, there just aren’t that many. That’s exactly why some critics have been brutally targeting him over his project choices and how much they have resulted in contributing to his achievements chart in Hollywood.

One of these critics was none other than @CinemaTweets1 on X, who quite clearly said in their latest tweet: “Ryan Reynolds sucks.” They continued to say how the mastermind is apparently “one of the worst big-name actors in Hollywood” who “has metastasized into the worst Hollywood sellout in the game today” despite his “massive fortune, fame, and power in the film industry.”


According to them, the Free Guy star has apparently “done nothing but make shitty cash-grab movies that have set the entire film industry back” in the last few years, highlighting films like Green LanternRed Notice6 Underground, and even Deadpool to claim that the fan-favorite actor “now exclusively makes shitty movies.”

To put all of this brutal criticism in a nutshell, the critic seems to believe that The Hitman’s Bodyguard actor actually holds a lot of talent and potential to perform outstandingly in the entertainment industry, but he has seemingly been putting all of those skills to waste by taking on the projects that he has taken on as of late.

Reynolds in a still from Deadpool. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.
Reynolds in a still from Deadpool. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.

However, they couldn’t be more wrong. While they are right about the part that Reynolds is actually super talented, what they’re wrong about is using his lack of nods and wins for major accolades and achievements in Hollywood to criticize him over his choice of projects. Why? Well, simply because he has won a lot more than mere awards through his performances.


Although, yes, he started slow and didn’t get that major boost for his fame and acclamation until 2016’s Deadpool, that doesn’t make his previous movies any less amusing. In fact, films like Free GuyThe ProposalThe Adam Project, and 6 Underground all unarguably prove just how much fans are in love with his plentiful entertaining works.

Reynolds in a still from 6 Underground. | Credit: Netflix.
Reynolds in a still from 6 Underground. | Credit: Netflix.

If anything, besides a few inevitable failures just like almost every other actor in Hollywood, Reynolds has done exceptionally well throughout his tenure as an actor and unarguably continues to do so even more immaculately through projects like the Deadpool film series — the third film of which, for the record, just set a whole new record with its ticket sales even before its release.

Thus, to say that Ryan Reynolds hasn’t led a much successful career and has been making some “bulls—t movies” that “no one seems to care” about for quite a few years is nothing short of mere wrongly accused brutal criticism, presumably by someone who doesn’t know how to have fun and enjoy movies, as fans have been pointing out.


Fans Have the Perfect Responses to Defend Ryan Reynolds

Reynolds in a still from Deadpool. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.
Reynolds in a still from Deadpool. | Credit: 20th Century Studios.

Although there are a few who tend to agree with @CinemaTweets1’s criticism of Ryan Reynolds on X (like @matthewcarano, who claims “He has 3-5 good movies, none great. 1 Golden Globe nomination but that’s it. Supremely underachieving career given his talent and looks.”), a majority of the responses are in defense of the fan-favorite heartthrob with perfectly reasonable claims.

If anything, fans are defending Reynolds for choosing similar projects because he ends up leaving his audiences baffled and entertained to the core nonetheless. Take a look at their responses for yourself on X:




Well, for one thing, Ryan Reynolds chooses the movies he can enjoy in and ends up delivering beyond immaculate performances in the same. So, it doesn’t matter what critics have to say, because with his exceptional skills and talents as an actor and comedian, only non-fun-loving people could cease to be amused.


All of this being said, you can witness Reynolds’ undeniable charms yourself through Deadpool & Wolverine, which is set to hit the theatres on the 26th of July, 2024.


Written by Mahin Sultan

Articles Published: 1234

Mahin Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. With almost one year's worth of experience in her field, she has explored and attained a deep understanding of numerous topics in various niches, mostly entertainment.

An all-things-good enthusiast, Mahin is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Commerce, and her love for entertainment has given her a solid foundation of reporting in the same field. Besides being a foodie, she loves to write and spends her free time either with her nose buried in a good book or binging on COD or K-dramas, anime, new movies, and TV serials (the awesome ones, obviously).

So far, Mahin's professional portfolio has more than 500 articles written on various niches, including Entertainment, Health and wellbeing, and Fashion and trends, among others.