“Changed drastically over the course of the storyline”: Masashi Kishimoto’s Originally Planned the Sharingan to Have Only One Unique Ability in Naruto

Masashi Kishimoto admits that the Sharingan was much less powerful when he had first planned it.

Naruto and Sharingan


  • Masashi Kishimoto explained how he had invented the Sharingan to have one basic move, which later evolved to become a versatile weapon.
  • He also admitted that many elements in Naruto were ill-planned at the very beginning, and he developed things as he went.
  • Even Itachi's backstory was created only once he was introduced in the story.
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Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, is one of the finest mangakas in the industry. But that doesn’t mean he never had a learning slope. In an interview, the author confessed how he hadn’t planned a lot of Naruto elements in the beginning and just made them up as he went.


As a result, many elements remained underdeveloped or unused in Naruto. In fact, even Sasuke’s Sharingan, a crucial power in Narutoverse, was not properly developed at first.

Masashi Kishimoto Slowly Developed Sharingan

Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto
Sasuke Uchiha’s Mangekyou Sharingan | Naruto | Viz Media

In an interview with Kobayashi, Masashi Kishimoto accepted that back when he had introduced the Sharingan in Naruto for the first time, he had not developed it to its full extent. Back then, the Sharingan could only be used to copy the moves of other shinobi, and the power later developed to include many more abilities.


I introduced the Sharingan as being able to copy moves, the premise on what the Sharingan could do changed drastically over the course of the storyline.

After the concept of Sharingan was fully developed, its users could detect irregularities in the chakra flow, have predictive capabilities in combat, and copy any jutsu. Advanced users can also hypnotize people or suggest them to do specific actions.

According to the author, he had come across an old story in which the main character had a power similar to Sharingan. Thus, Kishimoto took the concept of the power and created the Sharingan. He then later assigned the power to the Uchiha clan. He even gave Kakashi a Sharingan so that readers could stay more invested in the series to know why Kakashi has one despite not belonging to the Uchiha clan.

Masashi Kishimoto Explains Why He Rushed Everything in the Beginning of Naruto

Team 7 in Naruto | Studio Pierrot
Team 7 in Naruto | Studio Pierrot

Masashi Kishimoto introduced a strong villain like Zabuza at the very beginning of Naruto and it has made many people question why such a powerful antagonist had arrived so early. According to the creator, this was done in order to put things into perspective for the audience as well as to show off Kakashi’s strength at the very beginning.


Next, Kishimoto admitted that many of the things he had introduced at the beginning of Naruto were not well-thought-out. At the time, he kept making up new additions just for the excitement and suspense but didn’t pick up on the loose threads until much later. So the author just kept inventing things as he went.

Itachi Uchiha The Uchiha Clan Massacre
Itachi Uchiha | Naruto | Studio Pierrot

The same is true for Sasuke’s backstory. Kishimoto had only planned that Sasuke would have a brother who had done something terrible. However, by the time Itachi was introduced, he decided to secretly make Itachi a good guy who had done something bad due to his circumstances.

You can read Naruto on Viz Media and watch the anime on Crunchyroll.


Written by Aaheli Pradhan

Articles Published: 261

Aaheli is an anime content writer at FandomeWire. With four years of experience under her belt, she is a living, breathing encyclopedia for anime and manga. She believes in living a slow life, surrounded by incomplete art projects and her beloved cat.