Ahead of Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree, Here’s How You Beat Mohg, Potentially the One Boss You’ll Have to Defeat to Enter the Expansion

Miquella is his and his alone. Well, not for long.

Ahead of Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree, Here’s How You Beat Mohg, Potentially the One Boss You’ll Have to Defeat to Enter the Expansion


  • Mohg, Lord of the Blood can be an excruciating boss to deal with, and knowing his moveset in advance can help you defeat him faster.
  • It's likely that players will need to get through this boss fight before they step into Shadow of the Erdtree's new realm.
  • The base game kept Mohg as an optional boss, but looks like that's going to change when the Elden Ring DLC arrives.
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Mohg, Lord of Blood is no easy enemy to go against in Elden Ring. As we approach the arrival of the Elden Ring DLC that’s been teased for an eternity now, there’s been one small revelation that might have players shivering. Especially those who have just set foot into the game’s world.


The trailer starts off at Mohgwyn Palace, a blood-ridden and gloomy place in Elden Ring that indicates where Shadow of the Erdtree’s tale really begins. From here, players will be teleported to the Land of Shadow, an entirely new realm to explore. However, you’ll likely have to defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood first.

How to beat Mohg’s first phase

Elden Ring DLC prep
The fight can be twice as challenging if you’re under-leveled.

To make this fight as simple as possible, it’s recommended that you’re at level 90 or above. Seriously, this one will feel like a world of pain if you’re at a lower level since Mohg’s attacks can easily one-shot you. Before entering the fight, here are a few things to keep in your inventory:

  • Purifying Crystal Tear
  • Mohg’s Shackle

The Purifying Crystal Tear when mixed in Flask of Wondrous Physick ensures that Mohg’s curse on you is quickly taken care of, even though it has the potential to deal some devastating damage. Furthermore, Mohg’s Shackle lets you stun him twice during the first part of this fight, allowing for some time to deal a lot of damage.

During the first phase, Mohg’s Blood Claw attack can be countered with a well-timed dodge, and it’s something you can spot well before he does it. Next, a charged Trident Rampage will likely strike you right after his Blood Claw attack. This can also be dodged, so keep in mind this combo before it gets the best of you.

The Raining Blood attack is something you should be careful of. Mohg lifts his left arm up and creates a portal-esque ring that starts raining down blood. Being anywhere in this zone will deal a lot of damage to you, so keep your distance. Finally, The Curse Mark is something that cannot really be avoided.


Mogh creates a curse that slowly drains blood from you and heals him. To make this easier on yourself, make sure you use the Purifying Crystal Tear. This will cleanse the curse and keep your spirits up.

Getting through the rest of the fight and preparing yourself for the Elden Ring DLC

Elden Ring DLC prep
Getting through Mohg is a good way of preparing yourself for the Elden Ring DLC.

while the Curse Mark will heal him a lot, he will start transitioning into the second part of the phase. Mohg now has wings, can fly is extremely mobile, and lands some hardcore attacks you will have to prepare yourself for.

The first one is Pools of Blood, where Mohg flies up into the sky and creates small areas of blood around you. Dive head first into this, and then dodge around to avoid further damage. This can be tricky and might need you to practice the fight a couple of times.


Next, Mohg’s Winged Strike aims at completely obliterating you in one shot. However, this is simpler to spot as he lays out his large wings mid-air and gives you a second to prepare. All you need to do is roll into him. Not left, back, or right. This will keep you safe from his trident.

ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree – Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer

These are all the major attacks you need to be careful of. Keep in mind that there’s no particular weapon recommendation, but having something of a slash damage (that does passive blood loss) can be helpful. Consider using weapons like Rivers of Blood or Eleonora’s Poleblade.


Literally, looks like blood beats blood in this scenario. After this fight, you will be rewarded with a hefty 420,000 Runes and the Remembrance of the Blood Lord. With the arrival of the Elden Ring DLC, the boss fight’s location will likely teleport you to Shadow of the Erdtree’s new realm.

Have you been through this fight yet? What are your thoughts on the upcoming Elden Ring DLC?


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 540

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.