Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree Is More Than Just an Expansion With Entirely New Style of Gameplay Confirmed – Is Hidetaka Miyazaki Running Out of Ideas?

The upcoming Elden Ring expansion will also feature a new playstyle along with different enemy types and weapons.

elden ring's shadow of the erdtree


  • New information has surfaced about the new combat playstyle in the Elden Ring expansion.
  • Shadow of the Erdtree could be inspired by the fast-paced nature of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is scheduled to be released on June 21st, 2024.
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Elden Ring is the prime example of what a real Soulslike experience should be. FromSoftware has applied everything it has learned from the past few years to this project, and it paid off immensely but has opened new doors of opportunities for playstyle in the expansion.


Shadow of the Erdtree is scheduled to be released later this year, and the gaming community is beyond excited to dive back into the world. The developers are likely eager to share what they have been cooking up, and it could be a worthy follow-up to the base game.

The Elden Ring Expansion Will Feature a New Playstyle

The upcoming Elden Ring expansion will encourage the players to be creative.
The upcoming Elden Ring expansion will encourage the players to be creative.

The combat in the Soulslike game requires a great deal of commitment and patience, which makes it unappealing for those who are after a fast-paced and button-mashing experience. Some might say that director Hidetaka Miyazaki made a grave mistake about the combat in Elden Ring and are saying the slow and weighty feel to the character is a step in the wrong direction from what the developers accomplished in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


New details for the upcoming expansion have surfaced, and they suggest that players will be given a new option to handle combat situations. The players can now engage with enemies with a different playstyle with the use of martial arts, which is an odd choice for a game with this genre. Perhaps Miyazaki hopes to blend some ideas that made previous FromSoftware games a success.

It may seem like the developers have run out of ideas on how to spice up the gaming experience, but this move is no different from reusing older assets or character designs from other games. The gaming community was excited to see the reveal of a new enemy type that bears a striking resemblance to Bloodborne.


Hidetaka Miyazaki Has High Hopes for the Elden Ring DLC

Elden Ring has set the golden standard for a definitive Soulslike experience.
Elden Ring has set the golden standard for a definitive Soulslike experience.

It may seem like the developers are running out of ideas, but it is also worth remembering that FromSoftware has recently never dropped the ball and has no intention of doing it anytime soon. Providing a new playstyle will spice up the gaming experience for players and encourage them to try something bold and different.

Skilled players at their prime can inflict some serious damage in Soulslike games, and giving them more options on how to engage will keep them interested to be more experimental. Perhaps it is also the developers’ way to acknowledge the shortcomings of the base game and compensate for the complaints with more combat variety.

Miyazaki even refused to give away any answers to some questions regarding the upcoming expansion, especially concerning the run time. Perhaps every player will have a different experience depending on how well they do in the title, and this new combat playstyle could be a game changer and the quality of life improvement that they need.


Are you excited about the new combat playstyle in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.