Hellblade 2 Mod Removes the Most Irritating Aspect from the Game

Hellblade 2's modding community has finally developed a mod to deal with the game's most frustrating aspect.

hellblade 2


  • Hellblade 2 is one of the most visually pleasing games on the market right now.
  • However, many players are frustrated with the game's black bars appearing at the bottom and top of the screen.
  • The modding community has developed a mod that completely removes black bars from the game.
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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is finally out after years of anticipation. While critics praise Ninja Theory’s latest game, the gaming community’s reception has been mixed for the most part. However, there’s one thing that everyone agrees upon: Hellblade 2 is one of the best visually-looking games on the market.


Hellblade 2 is the ultimate visual feast, no matter where you look. Whether it’s the environmental details offering gorgeous looks or supernatural elements, your eyes will never want to look away. However, the black bars in the game can be quite frustrating and ruin the incredible experience. Thankfully, the modding community has stepped in again and given us a mod that removes this aspect.

Hellblade 2 Mod That Removes Irrtiiating Black Bars

Hellblade 2 new mod | Steam

Hellblade 2 is the latest adventure game from Ninja Theory, which is available on PC and Xbox. The title brings an awesome story with cinematic visuals. However, for the game’s cinematic visuals, the developers made the game in a 2:39:1 aspect ratio. This causes black bars to appear at the top and bottom of most screens, which, for some players, ruins the beauty of the game.


However, we don’t have to fear when we have the modding community. The No Black Bars (Letterboxing fix) No Zoom mod, by Giodga, allows PC gamers to remove black bars without affecting the image quality and helps them get a better look at the world around them.

If you have a beefy computer, you can even enjoy the game in VR with Praydoy’s UVER Mod. This mod allows you to play Hellblade 2 in full 6DOF VR, in either first or third person. There’s no doubt that the modding community is having a field day bringing these quality-of-life upgrades to the game.

Should You Remove Black Bars in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2?

Why does it feel like Hellblade 2 has been forgotten by its parent company?
Black Bars in Hellblade 2 | Steam

While removing black bars in Hellblade 2 can give you a larger picture, it has its downside as well. If you switch to a full-screen, it can prove to be quite demanding for your PC. You might end up suffering from FPS loss, which can ruin your experience. So, if you’re someone who is already having FPS issues in the game, we wouldn’t recommend removing black bars.


The game’s “camera” will zoom in to cover your screen completely. This means that both the left and right-hand parts of your monitor will be cut off, which will affect your field of vision. 

Hellblade 2’s cinematic feel comes from the 2:39:1 aspect ratio. So, if you aren’t really bothered by the black bars on the top and bottom of your screen, it’s probably best to leave them as they are.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 123

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.