“The gameplay difficulty will increase dramatically”: Hyung-Tae Kim Wants Stellar Blade Players to Avoid Making 1 Mistake

Not all suits in the game are perfect for combat, despite how appealing they look.

"The gameplay difficulty will increase dramatically": Hyung-Tae Kim Wants Stellar Blade Players to Avoid Making 1 Mistake


  • Stellar Blade features a variety of suit designs that are created to reflect a variety of textures.
  • The Skin Suit appears as though Eve is not wearing anything, but it comes at a cost.
  • Hyung-Tae-Kim warns players that wearing this suit will increase the difficulty due to its low shield rating.
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Stellar Blade is right around the corner, and we have been getting a steady stream of information from the company and the CEO himself regarding the game. Anyone familiar with Hyung-Tae Kim’s work is aware of how the characters are going to look—beautifully drawn with a touch of exaggeration for that added oomph.


Given the build of the game’s protagonist, Eve, it was inevitable to get some sort of fan service in the game. As a PlayStation exclusive, it won’t be possible to mod in certain *ahem* risque suits, but the developers are happy to oblige. But be warned: being that down bad comes with its consequences.

Stellar Blade’s NSFW Suit Comes with One Major Disadvantage

Stellar Blade's Skin Suit doesn't leave much to the imagination.
Stellar Blade‘s Skin Suit doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

The director of the game recently sat down for an interview with Famitsu to discuss character creation, world-building, and suit designs. The conversation enables us to see Kim’s vision for the world of Stellar Blade. When discussing the suits, the interviewer first asked about the shine each one emanated.


Kim replied, saying the suits are meant to reflect the textures in the world, but not all focus on luster. The conversation then veered towards the more eyebrow-raising Skin Suit. This attire, as the name suggests, is skin-colored, giving the appearance that Eve isn’t wearing anything.

The suit, unlike the others, goes for a more leather-like look to resemble skin. Now, while many fans might gravitate towards this option, especially given certain physics in the game, Kim has a warning for those choosing this suit.

The skin suit has no defensive function, and since there is no shield, you will take a lot of damage and may die quickly. We recommend that you wear clothes as much as possible, as it will greatly increase the difficulty of gameplay.

Boasting a meager one-star shield rating, this suit may be appealing to the eyes, but it will demand a lot from the player. This seems like the kind of suit challenge runners would pick as a way to up the difficulty in the game. First-time players should try not to pick this suit until they are comfortable with the game.


Hyung-Tae Kim’s Game Direction Focuses on the Small Details

The suits are designed to reflect a variety of textures from the world.
The suits are designed to reflect a variety of textures from the world.

The interview went on to talk about the design choices of other suits and characters within the game. While many of the suits can be described as “fetishistic” Kim is overall proud of his designs. But, he does encourage the player to cover Eve as much as possible.

Kim’s character design is what amassed his fan base, much before Stellar Blade. The secret to his beautiful characters is that he is not afraid of focusing on and using body fat. According to him, it lends to the realism of a character when fat directs the flow of the body.

Stellar Blade is shaping up to be an engaging and fast-paced title. With combat compared to Sekiro, we can expect a lot of emphasis on quick attacks and timely blocks to dispatch enemies with style similar to Devil May Cry.


Would you dare to wear the Skin Suit on your first playthrough? Let us know in the comments!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 200

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.