“I wasn’t the cool kid”: Tom Holland Went Through a Rough Patch Growing Up As He Was Bullied Before He Became Spider-Man in MCU

"I wasn't the cool kid": Tom Holland Went Through a Rough Patch Growing Up As He Was Bullied Before He Became Spider-Man in MCU
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For years now Spider-Man has been the biggest cash cow for Marvel in all mediums, and the character has witnessed its fair share of representatives on the big screen. But among all the three prominent Spider-Man stars, Tom Holland is deemed as one of the most comic-accurate iterations of the iconic superhero, and one of the key factors that differentiate him from the others is his agility.


Considering that as a child, Holland had no clear ambitions when it came to acting and was more focused on dancing and gymnastics, his agility would come in handy in his audition for the Web-head. However, the actor’s interest in dance and gymnastics would create some unwanted situations when he was a kid.

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tom Holland
Tom Holland

Tom Holland had a rough time growing up

Just like his MCU counterpart, Tom Holland wasn’t the cool kid in School and he spend most of his School life with his small group of friends. But considering the Uncharted star soon found interest in dancing and gymnastics, this would result in him getting bullied by some of his classmates, as the actor explained he went through some “rough patches” in his School life. However, the bullying wasn’t able to shake his interest in gymnastics and dancing, as Holland went on to pursue this field before eventually shifting to the acting realm. He said,

“I had my rough patches. There was times when I was bullied about dancing and stuff. But you couldn’t hit me hard enough to stop me from doing it… I, like Peter, accepted I wasn’t the cool kid at school and just found my group of friends and got on with it,”

His expertise in the field of gymnastics played a pivotal role in getting selected for MCU’s version of Spider-Man, and since then the actor’s ascend in Hollywood hasn’t been stopped.

Also read: “Just doesn’t make any sense”: Tom Holland’s Idea for “How James Bond Becomes James Bond” Prequel Was Rejected

Tom Holland
Tom Holland

Tom Holland has no problem playing Spider-Man till the very end

Although there are several actors, who don’t enjoy playing one character for the rest of their life and doesn’t want to be remembered for one role, this isn’t the case for Tom Holland. Despite showcasing his skills in various genres apart from MCU, Holland is widely deemed as the Spider-Man actor and it seems he doesn’t have any problems with it. While reflecting on the subject, the actor explained he considers himself lucky for the role and has no problem playing the character till the very end. He explained,

“If I just play Spider-Man for the rest of my life, I’d still be the luckiest kid alive. So, there’s no complaints from me here. As everyone knows, I love him. He changed my life. I love the character. Should we find a way to tell his story and do justice to him, we will do so,”

Also read: “It’s clear that there’s an anti-DC bias”: The Flash Fans Cry Conspiracy, Claim Tom Holland’s No Way Home Was Praised for Fan-Service While Ezra Miller Movie Gets Slammed

Tom Holland as Spider-Man
Tom Holland as Spider-Man

With the actor set to take a brief period off from the world of acting after the exhausting process of crafting The Crowded Room, it might be a substantial wait before we see him back as Spider-Man.


Source: People

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Written by Santanu Roy

Articles Published: 1543

Santanu Roy is a film enthusiast with a deep love for the medium of animation while also being obsessed with The Everly Brothers, Billy Joel, and The Platters. Having expertise in everything related to Batman, Santanu spends most of his time watching and learning films, with Martin Scorsese and Park Chan-wook being his personal favorites. Apart from pursuing a degree in animation, he also possesses a deep fondness for narrative-driven games and is currently a writer at Fandomwire with over 1500 articles.