Iconic Movie Scenes That Were ‘Mistakes’ Supposed To Be Reshot But The Directors Kept It

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Of the many films that Hollywood have given us, a few of them managed to have some really iconic movie scenes. These iconic movie scenes defined the movie and sometimes even the genre. Considered as works of art, it is quite easy to overlook some simple facts. Some of these iconic movie scenes weren’t actually planned. They were created by accident and the original plan was to reshoot the entire scene because technically, they were mistakes. Thankfully the filmmakers had sense and decided to keep these movie scenes, thus allowing them to make it to the theaters. Had the directors decided against it, these iconic movie scenes would have never seen the light of day.


Without further ado, we bring you a few epic movie scenes that were never really planned but ended up making the movie better.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark – Never Bring A Sword To A Gunfight

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

We all remember this scene. Indiana Jones is forced to fight a group of armed thugs who have been well-trained in close quarter combat. One of them even takes his sword out and shows his moves to Indy. And then, Harrison Ford’s character, unimpressed, dismisses the entire fight by shooting the guy with his gun. The fight ended abruptly and hilariously. The scene was not actually supposed to go like that. There was an extended fight scene planned for that day but Ford was not feeling well, so Spielberg just asked the actor to wing it. And he did.


The Dark Knight – Hospital Explosion Scene

The Dark Knight

Christopher Nolan had worked tirelessly with the production and design crew to make this scene happen. But in the end, no one is the perfect perfectionist, not even a guy like Nolan. Some technical hiccup happened and the final explosion scene that would have blew the hospital out of the face of the earth, didn’t happen. But Heath Ledger stayed in character and kept pressing the button, hoping for something to happen. Nolan kept filming and when the explosions did occur, one of the greatest and most iconic movie scenes in superhero movie history was created.

Casino Royale – James Bond’s Blue Boxer Trunks

Casino Royale

Daniel Craig was supposed to come out of the water in the most graceful and hottest manner possible. He was supposed to sizzle the viewers with his Greek God and chiselled physique. But things did not go according to plan and Daniel fell into the water. The director kept the camera rolling. So we finally got to see the infamous James Bond blue boxer trunks. And if you’re still laughing, just picture this – that pair of Boxer trunks was later sold for a whopping sum of $72,000.

Fellowship Of The Ring: The Knife Deflecting Scene

Fellowship Of The Ring

Things could have ended very badly for Viggo Mortensen had he not acted quickly here. In the movie, when the orc actor flings the knife at him, the prop actually slipped from his hands. It could have hit Mortensen directly in the face and he could have easily died. Luckily, Mortensen had weapons training that had honed his reflexes. He was quickly able to change stance and deflect the knife with his sword. The director, unaware, kept filming, creating the one of those LOTR iconic movie scenes we keep talking about till the end of time.


Captain America – Hayley Atwell Touches Chris Evans’ Chest

The First Avenger

Well we don’t blame her. It wasn’t in the script for Atwell’s Peggy Carter to touch Evans’ chest in the The First Avenger. She later confessed that she was so in awe with Chris Evans’ physique that she couldn’t resist. Evans allowed it, leading to a very steamy MCU scene.

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Written by Bibhu Prasad Panda

Articles Published: 1230

With a Bachelor's in Engineering and a Master's in Marketing and Operations, Bibhu found a love for writing, working for many different websites. He joined FandomWire in July 2020 and worked his way to his current position of Content Strategist. Bibhu has been involved in operating and managing FandomWire's team of writers, diversifying into varied, exotic fields of pop culture.