“It all went into the script”: Florence Pugh Kept Robert Downey Jr.’s Legacy Alive in Underrated Hawkeye Scene That Was Pure Genius

Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld improvised one of the funniest scenes in Hawkeye.

Florence Pugh, Robert Downey Jr


  • Hawkeye director reveals Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld improvised the fork scene.
  • It was Pugh who came up with the first line, then Steinfeld gave a very fitting unscripted response.
  • Robert Downey Jr. explains how he comes up with iconic impromptu lines in MCU.
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Did you know that one of the most hilarious scenes in Disney+’s Hawkeye was improvised? Marvel stars Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld are not only talented but quick-witted actresses as well. Because of this one particular improvisation, it made the whole scene a lot better.

Florence Pugh Yelena Belova
Florence Pugh in Black Widow / Walt Disney Studios

Of course, fans will never forget the king of improvisations within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One of Robert Downey Jr.’s unscripted lines even changed the entire direction of the franchise. Because of this, the second generation of heroes in the MCU keeps his legacy alive.

Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld Improvised The One Fork Scene In Hawkeye

In an interview via BuzzFeed, directors Bert and Bertie, real names Amber Templemore-Finlayson and Katie Ellwood, revealed how the improvisations of Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld added more fun to the Hawkeye narrative.


We did a rehearsal, but every single thing was just perfect between them, and the improvisation that they brought to it was dynamite. We could just sit back at the monitors and just enjoy every single take and their chemistry.

Hailee Steinfeld Kate Bishop
Hailee Steinfeld in Hawkeye / Walt Disney Studios

One of the funniest scenes in the show was Pugh’s Yelena Belova criticizing Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop for owning one fork. Bertie explained:

When they were rehearsing, Florence was like, ‘I’ll need to get some implements. So, we’ll go over here.’ She picked it up and just went, ‘There’s one fork! There’s only one fork!’ So, that’s where that dialogue came from.

The people assigned to the props were looking for other forks, but they could only find plastic ones. The director thought Pugh’s line “was perfect and it all went into the script.” Steinfeld was quick to respond with another unscripted line of “I’m one person” in response to Pugh’s argument. “It was funny, but also very Kate,” said Bertie.

Not all Marvel stars are known for their skills in improvisations, but those who have done it in the past have delivered in the most well-timed and appropriate manner.


Think of Robert Downey Jr. and his numerous impromptu lines in Iron Man and Avengers. Not only did he make the scenes funnier, but he also led an entire franchise in a completely new direction.

Robert Downey Jr. On How He Comes Up With Improvised Lines

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark
Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man 2 / Walt Disney Studios

When asked by Vanity Fair about his improvisations in Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. said he and director Jon Favreau came up with those unscripted lines while they were in the middle of shooting for the movie.

It was that kind of thing where you go, it’s more important that we feel like we’re just coming up with this and we like it, and there’s no trick we can’t employ to cover the fact that we’re kind of making it up as we go along.

With the help of his surroundings and a clear understanding of the character, Downey Jr. can come up with witty phrases to throw in while delivering his lines.


Indeed, even improvisation takes real talent and skill because one cannot vouch it would always work out, but for actors like Pugh, Steinfeld, and Downey Jr., it seems like second nature to them.

Hawkeye is available to stream on Disney+.


Written by Ariane Cruz

Articles Published: 2161

Ariane Cruz, Senior Content Writer. She has been contributing articles for FandomWire since 2021, mostly covering stories about geek pop culture. With a degree in Communication Arts, she has an in-depth knowledge of print and broadcast journalism. Her other works can also be seen on Screen Rant and CBR.