“Logan’s death just felt more tragic”: Wolverine vs Iron Man, Don’t Let Robert Downey Jr.’s Endgame Sacrifice Overshadow Hugh Jackman’s Heartbreaking Death in Logan

Both deaths were deeply poignant and left a lasting brunt on viewers, but which one was truly more grievous?

robert-downey-jr endgame , hugh-jackmans wolverine


  • In Logan (2017), Wolverine’s demise is a poignant scene, and in Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark’s valiant conclusion is equally devastating.
  • Logan was a farewell to Jackman, who was instrumental in the success of X-Men films.
  • Meanwhile, we can’t also deny that the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame was an even more significant event.
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As we explore the emotional landscapes of Avengers: Endgame and Logan, we become entangled in a web of raw emotion and cinematic gravitas. Who can forget the sight of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine—a character who has sliced his way through hardships since before some of us took our first steps—finally succumbing to mortality in Logan (2017)? 


And yet, how can we ignore Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) sheer heroic brilliance in finding peace in a sacrificial climax in Avengers: Endgame that touched the hearts of millions? Pepper’s gentle words to Tony signaled not only the end of his character’s arc but also an era.

However, this does not imply that Wolverine’s death will be blanked out by Stark’s sacrifice, as the former takes the top spot in our soul as the most heartbreaking superhero death. 

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

But which pulls harder on our heartstrings: a hero’s stoic farewell or the poignant conclusion to a gritty, haunted journey? 

Unforgettable Farewells: Iron Man vs. Wolverine’s Heartbreaking Demise

As superheroes, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man have left ineffaceable impressions on the hearts of fans from all corners of the globe. Both characters have had to withstand their fair share of battles and sacrifices, but when it comes to their final moments on screen, the debate over which death was more heart-rending continues to ebb and flow.

For many fans, Wolverine’s death in Logan (2017) is regarded as one of the most emotive and gut-wrenching moments in the history of superhero flicks. Setting the stage for an incredibly painful farewell, the entire film’s tone leading up to his death is depressing and hopeless. Many who had grown up seeing Jackman bring the character to life found great poignancy in witnessing the everlasting Wolverine finally meet his end.

Iron Man in Avengers Endgame
Iron Man in Avengers Endgame

On the other hand, Iron Man’s sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame also turned out to be a momentous and heroic act that left fans in tears. Tony Stark’s journey from self-centered playboy to selfless hero culminates in his supreme sacrifice in order to save the universe as well as his loved ones.

The reactions of Tony’s friends and family, as well as Pepper Potts’ touching tribute as she lays him to rest, add to the emotional weight of his death. 

While both deaths had their own impact, some fans argue that Tony Stark’s death was a natural and well-deserved conclusion, whereas “Logan’s death felt more tragic” (via Reddit). The relief and closure that many fans felt after Tony’s sacrifice juxtaposed with the raw emotion and heartbreak of witnessing Wolverine take his final breath.


How Did Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine Play a Pivotal Role in Iron Man’s Fate?

Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

During the live Q&A on Empire, MCU head Kevin Feige acknowledged that, like most fans, he too loved Logan and wished his heroes in the MCU had a similar conclusion. According to him, they were committed to the original idea of Tony Stark’s ending.

Iron Man is a superhero whose character has evolved over the course of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, much like Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, as Feige noted. For this reason, the team wanted his farewell to be just as exquisitely organized as Logan’s.

Resurrecting dead characters and rewriting their pasts to allow them to go on new adventures in their respective universes is a common practice of Marvel Studios and Marvel Comics. To the best of our knowledge, Stark will possibly not be returning, but Jackman’s Logan will soon make an appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine.


Nevertheless, Logan’s return did not sit well with Feige either. Instructing Jackman not to “come back”, he offered “a piece of advice”. According to the Marvel boss, the actor’s Logan had the “greatest ending in history”. It really is not needed to “undo” this.

While the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame might’ve been a bigger event, culminating years of MCU movies into a climactic all-out war, Logan served as a farewell to Jackman, who played a major role in making Fox’s X-Men films popular.

However, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man is just as iconic, and both heroes have reinforced their position in every Marvel fan’s heart. Never getting to see them again was definitely a huge shock for fans of both the Avengers and the X-Men.


Deadpool & Wolverine is set to release on July 26, 2024.

Both Logan and Avengers: Endgame are available to stream on Disney Plus. 


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 1645

Between everyday normalities and supernatural abnormalities, Siddhika Prajapati finds the story in everything. Literature Honors Graduate and Post-Graduated in Journalism (from Delhi University), her undying need to deduce the extraordinary out of simplicity makes her a vibrant storyteller.

Serving as a Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire and having written over 1600 pieces, Siddhika has also worked with multiple clients and projects over the years, including Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Who knows, maybe your next favorite persona on the screen will be crafted by her.