Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How to Beat Peter in ‘Anything Can Be Broken’ Walkthrough

The climatic showdown between Peter Parker and Miles Morales.


  • Fight Peter to save him from the symbiote alien.
  • Ring the bell whenever possible to stun Peter.
  • Use your Venom Powers deal tons of damage.
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After taking down Kraven in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it’s time to play as Miles Morales and stop Peter Parker in his tracks. The symbiote has nearly taken over Peter’s mind as he falls deeper into darkness. Miles, trapped in Kraven’s base for quite some time now, finally escapes his prison to stop Kraven’s death in the nick of time. If you’re having trouble defeating Peter Parker, here is a comprehensive guide on how to beat Peter in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.


When Do You Face Peter In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The symbiote has nearly taken over Peter - Time to save him
The symbiote has nearly taken over Peter – Time to save him

We’ve seen Peter’s behavior drastically change as he continues to wear the symbiote suit. From ignoring his phone calls to their efforts to chase The Lizard, Miles has noticed Peter’s switch up closely. We continue the mission “Anything Can Be Broken” with a second boss fight right after taking down Kraven. There’s a reason why the world’s greatest hunter only has two health bars instead of the typical three.

Peter and Miles have been Spider-Men together ever since the beginning of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. They need each other to save everyone in New York City. When Harry comes into the picture alongside the symbiote, Peter slowly replaces Miles with Harry (intentional or not). Miles did not participate in saving Tombstone or in their attempt to save Dr. Connors where the symbiote saved Peter’s life.


Despite the symbiote’s initial good deed, it has only been downhill for Peter and his duties as Spider-Man. His aggressive behavior is pushing his friends MJ and Harry away. After nearly killing Kraven the Hunter, Miles steps in to stop Peter from doing the unthinkable. Now, it’s the showdown fans have been waiting for ever since they saw Peter dawned the black suit: Miles versus Peter. 

How To Beat Peter In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Just like Kraven the Hunter, we have to use the bell to cause Peter to stop in his place. Look towards the bell and pull it by pressing L1 + R1 together. Once that happens, throw some punches towards Peter’s way. The bell will eventually get webbed up by Peter. Use your Venom Powers to deal damage to Peter as well. Activate them by pressing L1 + square, triangle, circle, or x. 

When these red circles appear over Peter's head, press L1 right before the attack lands to parry
When these red circles appear over Peter’s head, press L1 right before the attack lands to parry

Parry Peter’s red attacks by pressing L1 right before they land. The most important parry is the red attack with two red circles over Peter’s head because this attack will deal a ton of damage if it hits you and a successful parry means another chance to do more damage. He’ll usually throw three attacks in a row with the two red circles appearing as the third attack. 


Dodge out of the way of blue attacks or crush attacks because they cannot be blocked or parried. Be sure to also dodge his webs to avoid being webbed up where you have to mash the square button to escape. You can web up Peter as you fight him to get the upper hand. How to beat Peter? This is only the first of three phases.

Once the second phase begins, Peter will throw new attacks at you. The first one is a big symbiote tendril that slams into the ground. You cannot parry this attack but you can dodge/block it. The other attack is a symbiote ball projectile that can be countered. When you see L1 + R1 appear on the ball, press those buttons to toss it back. However, do not throw it directly at Peter but at the bell. This will activate the bell once again, giving you an opportunity to deal damage to Peter. 

Press L1 + R1 to throw Peter's symbiote ball at the bell
Press L1 + R1 to throw Peter’s symbiote ball at the bell

Continue to use your Venom Powers and parry Peter’s incoming attacks. Web up Peter whenever you can to open him up for damage too. You can also click the analog sticks (L3 + R3) to activate the Mega Venom Blast. However, I would save this for the final phase. We’re almost done in learning how to beat Peter in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.


In the third and final phase, Peter will throw everything at you to keep the symbiote suit on. Be prepared to dodge more crush/blue attacks headed your way. Instead of throwing three attacks in a row, Peter will now throw five. Block the first four and parry the fifth to deal damage. 

Sometimes, Peter will do three attacks again but the third is a crush attack. Dodge this to maintain good positioning and health. Gadgets can be useful during this final phase to bring Peter into the air and throw his patterns off balance. 

When Peter tosses the symbiote ball projectile, throw it towards the bell again. Peter may intercept the throw, so be ready to press L1 + R1 again to toss it back. If you have any focus bars building up, use them to heal because Peter’s attacks deal a ton of damage.


If you don’t need the health, save up two focus bars to perform a finisher, knocking out a good chunk of Peter’s health. Use the Mega Venom Blast (if you haven’t already) to finish the Peter boss fight. 

Using Accessibility Options For Peter In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Use Game Speed to slow down time to dodge Peter's crush attacks easier- how to beat Peter
Use Game Speed to slow down time to dodge Peter’s crush attacks easier

If Peter’s attacks are too fast for you, turn on the accessibility option, game speed. This option allows you to slow down the action which makes parrying much easier. While parrying isn’t 100% required to defeat Peter, it makes the boss a lot easier.

Other accessibility options such as QTE autocomplete and enhanced auto-aim are not that useful here since most of the combat is hand-to-hand. Lowering the difficulty will make Peter an easier opponent if his output damage is too high. 


And that’s how to beat Peter. Another boss taken down in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, immediately after Kraven’s fight. That completes the “Anything Can Be Broken” mission and you earned the silver trophy “The Great Hunt”. Expect more fights to come as you move along in the story. 

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Written by Travis Vuong

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Travis Vuong is a games journalist and content creator. He's been a YouTuber since 2008 and continues to create videos under the "tvsonicgaming" banner. All social media accounts and his podcast: