“Matt is working really hard on the script”: Andy Serkis Assures Robert Pattinson’s The Batman 2 Will be Another Banger

Alfred Pennyworth star claimed that the DC sequel will “probably” film in the first quarter of 2025!

andy serkis in the batman


  • The Batman Part 2 is set to return following Robert Pattinson's successful portrayal in 2022.
  • Warner Bros. has announced the sequel, a continuation of the iconic Batman franchise.
  • Andy Serkis recently teased the filming timeline and a significant narrative arc.
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As the night falls on Gotham once again, anticipation builds for what could only be described as a jubilant return to the cape and cowl. After enchanting audiences worldwide, can the magnetic allure of Robert Pattinson’s portrayal of Batman be any stronger? 


In 2022, he donned the iconic suit, outwitted the Riddler, and saved the city from an impending deluge, propelling The Batman to soar as a token of business and critical success. There is no denying the appetite for more, so it is stirring to report that Warner Bros. has answered the Bat-Signal by announcing The Batman Part II. 

The Batman Part 2 is set to return following Robert Pattinson's successful portrayal in 2022.
Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in The Batman | Warner Bros. Pictures

Recently, Andy Serkis, our esteemed Alfred Pennyworth, teased eager listeners at ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024 with crumbs of details, touching on a significant narrative arc & a filming timeline set to kick off early next year. 


Andy Serkis Promises Fans Will Not Be Disappointed With The Batman 2

With the success of The Batman, it’s no surprise that Warner Bros. has greenlit a sequel, and fans are eager to see where Matt Reeves takes the story next.

Fortunately, a follow-up has already been approved; The Batman Part II is slated to premiere in 2026 after experiencing multiple production setbacks as a result of the strikes in Hollywood last year (see ComicBook). 

Excitement is humming among Batman fans as Andy Serkis recently plated us with a sneak peek into what we can expect from Robert Pattinson’s return as the Dark Knight in The Batman 2. The actor, who plays Alfred Pennyworth in the film, shared some exciting news at ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024 (via Popverse):


Basically, I know nothing about the movie other than that I’ve just found out that we’re probably likely to be starting filming early next year. Therefore, if you do the math, it’ll be a year and half after that. I know Matt [Reeves] is working really hard on the script. 

Andy Serkis recently teased the filming timeline and a significant narrative arc.
Andy Serkis as Alfred in The Batman (2022) | Warner Bros. Pictures

He revealed that filming for The Batman Part 2 is set to start early next year. This timeline means that fans won’t have to wait too long to see the sequel hit the big screen. Serkis also lauded Reeves for his incredible work on the script, hinting that fans can expect another brilliant storyline. 

Matt Reeves being Matt Reeves, the extraordinary filmmaker that he is, I can only assume that it’s going to be another brilliant script, because I thought what he did with that first film was pretty amazing. I loved working with Rob Pattison, and I really look forward to playing Alfred once more.

One of the key points that Serkis touched on is the creative freedom that Matt Reeves has in building out his Batman universe.

The Batman 2: What We Know So Far About Robert Pattinson’s Film 

According to Deadline, Robert Pattinson will wear the cape and cowl once again in The Batman: Part II, which should please fans who feel that he equaled or even exceeded the great Batman actors who came before him.

Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz looking at one another in a still from The Batman.
Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz in a still from The Batman | Warner Bros. Pictures

Several jokes, Jimmy Kimmel’s among them, imply that the English actor, 38, trained for the part of a “bat” by spending a lot of time as a vampire in the Twilight movies (see YouTube). Naturally, he was bestowed with the distinction of portraying a vicious and emotionally tortured version of Bruce Wayne because of his work in gritty thrillers like 2017’s Good Time. 

While walking the red carpet at the 2024 Critics Choice Awards, James Gordon actor Jeffrey Wright told Entertainment Tonight that he had not seen the script for the sequel. Later, he told Discussing Film that he hopes to delve deeper and more deeply into the character. 

The plot of the sequel is currently unknown, but we do know that it will stand alone as a stand-alone flick, just like Reeves’ first entry in the series.


Overall, Andy Serkis’ update on The Batman Part 2 has fans counting down the days until they can see Pattinson once again. With a talented team behind the film and a release date on the horizon, it’s safe to say that the forthcoming flick will be another banger that will charm audiences worldwide. 

Stream The Batman on Hulu or Max.


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 1677

Between everyday normalities and supernatural abnormalities, Siddhika Prajapati finds the story in everything. Literature Honors Graduate and Post-Graduated in Journalism (from Delhi University), her undying need to deduce the extraordinary out of simplicity makes her a vibrant storyteller.

Serving as a Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire and having written over 1600 pieces, Siddhika has also worked with multiple clients and projects over the years, including Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Who knows, maybe your next favorite persona on the screen will be crafted by her.