PlayStation Continues Its Integration With PC Gaming, as the PSVR2 Will Shortly Be Able to Play PC VR Titles – Could This Save Sony’s Failing Hardware?

Sony will integrate PSVR2 support into PC, which could salvage the hardware and make it more usable.



  • A document revealed that Sony is developing a new adapter that would allow the PSVR2 to work on PC.
  • Sony is being generous by sharing access to its VR headset and making it compatible with a different platform.
  • PlayStation could be heading into a future where its hardware will be compatible with PCs moving forward.
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PlayStation is one of the strongest names in the video game industry, and Sony is considering every option available to keep it that way. Asserting dominance can be hard, but all it takes is innovation, and out of it came the PSVR2, and the future is looking bright for the hardware.


Major gaming corporations are leaning towards virtual reality and are heavily gunning to put out the best experience before others do. Sony has expressed interest in expanding its borders to the PC platform, which also features VR, and thought it would be great for integration.

The PlayStation VR2 Will Support VR Games on PC

Sony will allow the use of PSVR 2 on PC software which could be the best move for PlayStation.
Sony will allow the use of PSVR 2 on PC software, which could be the best move for PlayStation.

The ambitious hardware had great potential, especially when more third-party support was coming its way, but it seems like Sony is open to the idea of the device being used on another platform. New details have emerged, and it appears to be an adapter for users to easily hook up the headset on their PC, which would allow them to play games on it.


Perhaps it is the company’s way to make the gaming community more interested in the hardware. Despite its great potential, it is not as big of a success as Sony hoped. There is not plenty of first-party support to begin with, and the expensive price tag can be quite discouraging to pick up compared to other options available on the market.

Not everyone is at the point of considering heavily investing in virtual reality gaming, and it seems like an expensive gimmick rather than a groundbreaking experience. Sony could make the device more usable and relevant if it were to make it compatible with other platforms instead of keeping it tethered to its flagship console.


PC Players Are Being Treated Well by Sony and PlayStation

Sony is making PlayStation hardware compatible with other devices beyond its ecosystem.
Sony is making PlayStation hardware compatible with other devices beyond its ecosystem.

The gaming industry is entering a new age where previous borders are nonexistent. All major corporations are stepping out of their comfort zones, like Sony porting first-party exclusives to PC and Microsoft sharing games on rival platforms, and the irony is that most of them perform even better.

The old ways are being replaced by the idea of crossing borders and not being locked into one platform or brand. Being able to use the VR headset with a PC could convince other players to pick one up for themselves and get the best of both worlds.

Experience the ultimate convenience of immersing yourself in VR games from your PC while taking advantage of Sony’s top-tier gaming platform for an unforgettable gaming experience. The appeal is there, but the demand isn’t quite there yet; however, integrating these two systems could reap some benefits.


Change is inevitable, and Sony is no longer stuck in its old ways of keeping its products to itself and is much more open-minded now than ever. The PC venture is doing wonders for the company, and it would be foolish not to stoke the flames even hotter by giving the players another great option like the PSVR2.

What are your thoughts about PlayStation’s direction? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.