Trying to Make Some Sense of the Utterly Insane New Trailer for Death Stranding 2 On The Beach Shown off by Hideo Kojima During Sony’s State of Play

Understanding what's going on with Norman Reedus and his weird fetus.

Trying to Make Some Sense of the Utterly Insane New Trailer for Death Stranding 2 On The Beach Shown off by Hideo Kojima During Sony's State of Play


  • The Beach serves an important part of the game's philosophy, linking the state of consciousness between life and death in Death Stranding 2.
  • It seems that Lou will return as an essential part of the story, giving the narrative a better grasp on the concept of BTs and how they communicate with the living.
  • Death Stranding 2 will explore new regions and characters in hopes of reuniting the world through new ways and methods of traversal.
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Death Stranding 2’s trailer gave us a detailed look at the upcoming sequel to one of the biggest open-world games in recent times. Yet, there’s little we actually know about what’s going on. Classic Kojima! Despite the unclear explanations, there’s a lot that can be uncovered from the trailer.


There are two major things to keep in mind here: the Beach’s significance and how Lou plays an important role in shaping the game’s narrative structure. Both of these ideas set a strong foundation for the next game’s setting, and here’s what we can expect.

Understanding the Concept of the Beach in Death Stranding 2

Exploring multiple zones (like Mexico) in the game will help connect regions better.
Exploring multiple zones (like Mexico) in the game will help connect regions better.

As the title suggests, Death Stranding 2 On The Beach will focus more on why the Beach is so important. First of all, yes, it is a physical place in the game that can be visited. The more you explore the Beach, the more you get an idea of who the Beached Things (BTs) are. To newcomers, BTs are ghostly beings that scare you to no end, and it becomes troublesome to navigate the world when BTs are around.


However, the Beach holds philosophical importance throughout Death Stranding. This place acts as the bridge between life and death, often serving as a constant state of being. As if the undead are stuck here, with no way of going to either side. That’s what makes it so tricky to navigate the entire thing.

Death Stranding 2 On The Beach - State of Play Announce Trailer | PS5 Games

From the trailer, it seems that Death Stranding 2 will bring a lot of attention back to the Beach, giving players the chance to explore this realm a bit more and learn about things they didn’t even know existed. Furthermore, this time around, we also traverse through a mobile base that looks like an armored ship. Perhaps this will make it easier to comprehend the Beach.


There’s also a mention of re-connecting multiple regions, which might take Sam on a journey that comprises new forms of traversal. New vehicles, gear, weapons, and more are likely in the mix.

Lou and His Relationship With Sam Porter Bridges 

The baby might play a significant role in how we understand BTs in the game.
The baby might play a significant role in how we understand BTs in the game.

The trailer once again introduces Lou, the adorable (and a bit creepy) fetus Sam has taken care of throughout the first game. Initially, Lou is assigned the task of helping Sam navigate the world. Lou has the ability to detect BTs, letting Sam know when he’s near one. Death Stranding 2 will hopefully build on this concept.

Towards the end of the first game, Lou and Sam share a deep connection that helps Sam understand himself better, and Kojima’s idea of humanity, of course. However, in the trailer for Death Stranding 2, we hear Sam speak about Lou’s death, but this mystery serves as a cliffhanger as we notice Lou again in the trailer.


This time around, it’s a grown version of Lou (if that is in fact him), and Sam seems more than happy to be reunited with him. Given how Lou’s powers were the highlight of the first game, it’s likely that these abilities will enhance as he grows older. Maybe this will be an important highlight of the story as Sam explores newer territories.

Moreover, the return of actors like Troy Baker makes the entire plot evolution even more interesting. There are new characters we’ll learn more about, and Mexico is a playable location in Death Stranding 2. In the meantime, what are your thoughts on everything that’s going on in the trailer? Let us know in the comments below.

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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.