“Thanks again to Kohei Horikoshi for not following this path”: My Hero Academia Fans Are Happy Mangaka Didn’t Copy Naruto in the Final War

Kohei Horikoshi did justice to the ending of My Hero Academia.

My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku and All Might


  • The climactic battle between the Heroes and All for One in My Hero Academia has concluded.
  • While the series' ending was spot on, many fans speculated that My Hero Academia would follow in the footsteps of Naruto.
  • Fortunately, Horikoshi knew what he was doing, and he gave his story a fitting finish that reflected the characters.
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The final war between the Heroes and All for One in My Hero Academia has come to an end. Kohei Horikoshi’s masterpiece has brought the conclusion in the most unique way possible, and fans couldn’t have hoped for anything else. Chapter 423 showcased the final moments of the battle as Izuku landed his last punch on All for One.

Izuku Landing a Punch on All for One | Viz Media
Izuku Landing a Punch on All for One | Viz Media

While the ending of the series was spot on, many fans believed that My Hero Academia might follow the path of Naruto and make the antagonist of the series, Shigaraki Tomura, switch sides and help the heroes take down the main villain. This would have made My Hero Academia a copy of Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto.

Fortunately, Horikoshi knew what he was doing, and he gave his story the perfect ending that did justice to the characters of Shigaraki, Izuku, and All for One. He managed to keep the villainous side of Shigaraki intact and brought a unique perspective to the narrative.


The Final War in My Hero Academia Comes to an End

Izuku, with the help of other One for All users, and his friends have taken down All for One in chapter 423. All for One was able to completely take over Shigaraki’s body and was using it as he saw fit. This became a huge problem for the heroes, but Izuku and his friends did not give up and waited for the right moment.

Although Izuku destroyed all of his quirks while trying to save Shigaraki, he still had a slight ember of One for All left within him. His friends created the path for him to reach Shigaraki’s body, put all of his power into the final punch, and land it on the villain. This final punch resulted in the decay of Shigaraki’s body.

All for One Being Destoryed | Viz Media
All for One Being Destroyed | Viz Media

With Shigaraki’s body being destroyed, All for One had to face his brother and the rest of the vestiges, along with Shigaraki himself, in the vestige world, where they trapped him and made sure that he was destroyed for good this time. The most extreme villain in My Hero Academia was ultimately defeated by this, and the war also ended with him.


Kohei Horikoshi Avoided The Naruto Ending For My Hero Academia

During the beginning of the final war, when Izuku was hellbent on saving Shigaraki from the clutches of All for One and bringing him to the hero’s side, many fans believed that Kohei Horikoshi planned on following the same path as Masashi Kishimoto did with Obito Uchiha in the Fourth Great Ninja War in Naruto.


Obito was the biggest instigator of the war. He not only declared war but even destroyed most of the Shinobi forces that fought him and his allies.

Obito Uchiha from Naruto
Obito Uchiha from Naruto | Studio Pierrot

However, as the war reached its conclusion, Naruto was able to persuade him to switch sides and help the Shinobis defeat Madara and his Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Although Shigaraki did help Izuku and the vestiges of One for All in defeating All for One, he made it clear that he did it all only because All for One destroyed his life and not for a good cause. He even told Izuku to tell his friend Spinner that even at the end, Shigaraki kept fighting only to destroy everything.

You can read the My Hero Academia manga on Viz Media.


Written by Tarun Kohli

Articles Published: 1293

Konichiwa! With a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a 2-year experience in Digital media writing, I am on my way to becoming one of the biggest anime content writers in my country. My passion for writing and Anime has helped me connect with Fandomwire, and share my love and experience with the world.