“There’s a reason why we are not switching to Unreal”: Not Choosing UE5 for Baldur’s Gate 3 Was a Very Good decision for Larian

Dive into the reasons behind Larian Studios' choice and the benefits it brought to their development process.

baldur’s gate 3, ue5


  • Larian Studios' decision to stick with their Divinity 4.0 for Baldur's Gate 3 over Unreal Engine 5 was strategic.
  • Transitioning to Unreal Engine 5 would have incurred significant costs in terms of time, resources, and manpower.
  • By choosing Divinity 4.0, Larian Studios retained full control over their development process, and safeguarded their intellectual property.
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In video game development, choosing the right engine is similar to selecting the foundation for a building. It’s one of the most important decisions that can make or break an entire project. With the introduction of Unreal Engine 5, many studios were looking to build the game there. 


However, for Larian Studios, simply selecting the latest engine for Baldur’s Gate 3 was not an easy pick as they have their own engine called Divinity 4.0. The temptation was there for the studio to use Unreal Engine 5, but they decided to stick with their own engine.

Baldur’s Gate 3 ignored the temptation of Unreal Engine 5 (UE5)

Baldur's Gate 3 is on track to release on Xbox this December, Larian confirms.
Larian Studios had the opportunity to pick UE5 | Baldur’s Gate 3

In an interview, Swen Vincke, the CEO of Larian Studios, shed some light on the matter of selecting the engine for Baldur’s Gate 3. He discussed why he opted to stay with Divinity 4.0, despite the fact that he was super amazed at the technology and creativity that UE5 brings to the table.


Vincke expressed that to deliver a good game, they must have full familiarity and creative control over the engine. Since Divinity 4.0 is made by them, it is fully tailored to suit the studio’s specific needs. 

Since Divinity 4.0 is made by Larian Studios, it is fully tailored to suit Larian's specific needs over years of iteration and refinement.
They decided to pick their own Divinity 4.0 over UE5 | Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3

For them to switch to UE5, would pose a huge risk as developers have to start from scratch. This has a potential risk of jeopardizing the main vision they had for the game. Vincke said: 

Yeah, there’s a reason why we’re not switching to Unreal, for instance. Because we think the strengths of having your own engine is way, way higher than being able to switch to somebody else’s engine. And so the fact that we are working on the same engine already, since 2010, gives us a lot of benefits, that’s for sure.

This level of freedom and awareness of the engine helps developers implement new features and mechanics. It showed in Baldur’s Gate 3 release as the game had its branching narratives and complex gameplay systems.


The Right Choice: Sticking with Divinity 4.0

While Unreal Engine 5 is undoubtedly a better engine at its core and has some impressive features. but Divinity was better for them.
Picking their own engine was the correct choice. | Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3

UE5 is undoubtedly a better engine at its core and has some impressive features, such as Nanite and Lumen. But Larian Studios was correct in choosing Divinity 4.0 as the familiarity and the flexibility with the engine helped them make the game a success. 

As Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to impress players with its engaging storytelling and immersive gameplay, it serves as proof of Larian Studios making the right choice. This decision not only helped make their creative vision come to life but also ensured that they would not have to sign any third-party licensing agreements, or pay royalties. 

In the growing landscape of game development, sometimes the best choice is the one that stays true to your roots. Just like in Baldur’s Gate 3, every decision matters and has different outcomes. 


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 157

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.