“Will is getting old, I’m staying quite young”: Jada Pinkett Smith Wanted a Divorce Once But Now Wishes to Live With Will Smith

During a candid conversation with The Times, Jada Pinkett Smith discussed the present status of her union with Will Smith, labeling themselves as "life partners" and deliberating on her forthcoming commitment to care for him.

"Will is getting old, I'm staying quite young": Jada Pinkett Smith Wanted a Divorce Once But Now Wishes to Live With Will Smith


  • Jada Pinkett Smith recently revealed that her and Will Smith had discreetly parted ways seven years ago.
  • Jada Pinkett Smith wants to someday work things out with Will Smith again.
  • In his memoir, titled Will, Will Smith recounted how numerous things went awry during the initial phase of their romance.
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In a startling revelation that has reverberated throughout the entertainment world, Jada Pinkett Smith has announced her plans to reconcile with her estranged husband, 55-year-old Will Smith, stating her motive as her wish to provide care for him as he ages. The Hollywood superstar and the actress, who tied the knot in 1997, recently revealed that they had discreetly parted ways seven years ago. But she wants to someday work things out with Will Smith again.

Jada Pinkett-Smith
Jada Pinkett-Smith

Also Read: “I don’t appreciate that man”: Before Chris Rock, Will Smith Nearly Assaulted Another Comedian for Getting Intimate With Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith Envisions A Time She Will Get Back With Will Smith

During a candid conversation with The Times, Jada Pinkett Smith discussed the present status of their union, labeling themselves as “life partners” and deliberating on her forthcoming commitment to care for Will.


Pinkett Smith told The Times:

“I think eventually we will [live together again]. I really do. Will’s getting old. I’m staying quite young, but it’s getting apparent to me that he’s gonna need someone to take care of him.”

Jada Pinkett Smith with her husband, Will Smith
Jada Pinkett Smith with her husband, Will Smith

In the open discussion, Jada voiced her strong opposition to the idea of divorce, emphasizing that it didn’t align with their personal values. Jada Pinkett Smith reflected on her marriage to Will Smith at a young age, acknowledging the highs and lows they encountered together. She explained that they eventually reached a point where they needed to part ways to let go of certain unrealistic notions about the essence of marriage.

She added:


“And bear in mind, when we had that separation in 2016, the goal was to divorce, but divorce just didn’t feel right for either of us. We don’t know why. But here we are.”

Their family includes two children, Jaden, 25, and Willow, 22, alongside Will’s son, Trey, 30, from his prior marriage to Sheree Zampino. Despite their split, the Smiths have maintained a strong bond as a closely united family.

Also Read: Will Smith’s Wife Jada Pinkett Smith Confesses Committing Crimes When She Was Just a Teenager

Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith Faced Troubles From The Start

In his memoir, titled Will, the actor Will Smith recounted how numerous things went awry during the initial phase of their romance, with these challenges arising swiftly. He expanded on this, explaining how he and Jada Pinkett Smith delineated their personal and professional aspirations early on in their relationship, along with the kind of individuals they aspired to become. Together, they formulated a cohesive plan to facilitate their journey toward these goals.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith

Smith wrote in his memoir:

“In the beginning of our relationship everything that needed to go wrong went wrong very quickly. We learned early on who we were and who we wanted to be and decided on a path to get there. Normally at the beginning of relationship it’s all flowers and butterflies but we didn’t have that. I was coming out of a divorce and she was coming out of a bad relationship and there was just no time for bull***. It was just blatant, hard, cold honesty and that’s the basis of our relationship: harsh honesty.”

He further noted that while many couples experience a honeymoon phase characterized by ease and tranquility, he and Pinkett Smith never encountered such a period. Their journey was marked by turbulent separations and intricate histories from past relationships, which posed a burden, compelling them to prioritize transparent communication over the illusion of comfort and camaraderie.

Also Read: “He just wouldn’t talk about it”: Jada Pinkett Smith Reveals Tupac Suffered Through the Same Medical Condition as She Did


Written by Vishal

Articles Published: 976

Vishal Kawadkar is a seasoned writer specializing in writing engaging and informative content on various topics. He is a cinephile with a keen interest in sci-fi and thriller movies and TV shows. With an eye for detail, Vishal likes offering readers a fresh perspective on the latest trends and developments.