Just Like Black Myth: Wukong for Xbox, Vampire Survivors is Still Coming to PlayStation, It’s Just Delayed

The game is coming but it'll still take a while.

black myth: wukong, vampire survivors


  • Vampire Survivors still has no set date for the release on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
  • The PlayStation version was announced in April this year and was supposed to release in Summer.
  • Developer Poncle has said that the game is currently in submission process.
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Vampire Survivors, the top-down shoot-em-up title from Poncle, has been a long time coming to PlayStation platforms. The game has been a major hit and fans on Sony’s consoles have been waiting for it but the developer hasn’t given a specific launch date for the game.


Developer Poncle has now provided an update on the game and it seems like the game is getting the same treatment for PS5 and PS5 and Black Myth: Wukong for Xbox Series. The update isn’t what fans were hoping for but it’s still better than radio silence.

Vampire Survivors Launch on PlayStation Consoles Is Still Far Away

Vampire Survivors still doesn't have a launch date for PlayStation.
Vampire Survivors still doesn’t have a launch date for PlayStation.

Poncle had announced back in April that Vampire Survivors would be coming to PS4 and PS5 in Summer and since it’s summer, fans were asking when exactly the game would be releasing on the platform. The developer has now shared an important update.


Game Science’s Black Myth: Wukong’s is coming for PS5 and PC on August 20 but it does not have a launch date for Xbox Series X/S. The same is happening with Poncle’s title on PlayStation, as the developer has said that the game still has no launch date.

Moreover, the developer also shared the reason behind the delay. It said, “This is the first time we’re going through submission processes on PlayStation so it’s taking a little longer than usual.” It also said that it has been doing some “trial and error” on trophies to get it right for the platform.

Fans Are Happy With the Update and Will Be Waiting for the Game

The game is currently in the submission process on the platform.
The game is currently in the submission process on the platform.

Poncle assured the fans that it would let them know about the release date as soon as possible. Fans are understandably disappointed with this update, as they expected the game to be out by now, but many have also said that the update is enough and the developer should get things right.


The game fully launched back in December 2021 and is currently available on all major platforms, including the Xbox Series, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and Android. So not having a PS version definitely hurts the game, but players are eager to jump into it whenever it drops.

It is good to see that the developer wants to bring the best version of the game console. Also, it is taking time to work well on the trophies, which are quite important to a lot of gamers, which shows that Poncle wants the players to have the best experience.

The game recently received a Contra DLC and Poncle always keeps adding new things to keep players engaged. This has helped the game stay relevant and it is one of the indie titles that almost every gamer must try.


What are your thoughts as the game is still without a launch date for PS5 and PS4? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 834

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.