“XDefiant is what AEW is to WWE”: Ubisoft Fans Get Shredded Online for Saying Black Ops 6 Teaser Was Call of Duty’s Attempt to Stop Players from Leaving

Activision isn't as petty as you may believe.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6


  • Ubisoft's free-to-play shooter XDefiant launched in pre-season today, but its spotlight may be dimmed by Call of Duty announcing Black Ops 6.
  • Some fans suspect Activision revealed Black Ops 6 strategically to overshadow XDefiant, but this is unlikely due to pre-existing marketing schedules and distinct game niches.
  • Both XDefiant and Black Ops 6 have the potential to be big hits in the FPS genre this year.
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The first-person shooter space has heated up a lot today, with Ubisoft’s much-awaited free-to-play XDefiant finally launching after numerous delays, albeit in a pre-season phase. Offering fast-paced gameplay, the shooter features a unique blend of factions inspired by Ubisoft’s iconic franchises.


However, XDefiant‘s time in the spotlight may just have been cut down, as many fans believe its launch was somewhat overshadowed by another major announcement from the biggest name in the shooter genre.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Is Finally Real, But With Odd Timing

The previously unnamed Direct after the Xbox Games Showcase has been confirmed to be for Call of Duty | Xbox
The previously unnamed Direct after the Xbox Games Showcase has been confirmed to be for Call of Duty | Xbox

Call of Duty maker Activision has officially unveiled the next entry in the blockbuster first-person shooter series: Black Ops 6. The reveal culminated a week of cryptic teasers, including a website dubbed thetruthlies.com and a shadowy trailer hinting at a Black Ops connection.


Further details remain sparse, with no gameplay or story specifics revealed yet, but fans won’t have to wait long for more details. Activision has confirmed that the previously (and poorly) obfuscated Direct presentation following the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9 will indeed be centered around Black Ops 6.

The confluence between XDefiant‘s launch and the Call of Duty announcement has incited an interesting online debate, with some Ubisoft fans taking to social media to express suspicion about the timing of the Black Ops 6 reveal.


XDefiant Fans Think Activision May Have Felt Threatened

Ubisoft fans are getting flamed online for suggesting XDefiant is snatching players from CoD | Ubisoft
Ubisoft fans are getting flamed online for suggesting XDefiant is snatching players from CoD | Ubisoft

They suggest that Activision was strategically releasing information about Black Ops 6 to deliberately divert attention away from XDefiant‘s launch, because the Ubisoft shooter was “taking all the CoD players.” These claims were met with significant pushback from the wider gaming community.





While the notion of Activision feeling mildly threatened by XDefiant and revealing Black Ops 6 to eclipse its hype is funny, it’s ultimately just a coincidence. XDefiant has been in the public eye for a while, undergoing closed beta testing and slowly accruing a dedicated fanbase. The Ubisoft shooter’s release date was also announced at the beginning of May.


Meanwhile, Activision’s teasers for Black Ops 6 have likely been following a predetermined schedule, as is the case with marketing campaigns, culminating in today’s reveal. It’s improbable that this schedule was drastically altered to specifically clash with XDefiant‘s launch, that too in such a short timeframe.

It's impossible for Activision to remodel its entire marketing campaign to conflict with XDefiant's release | Ubisoft
It’s impossible for Activision to remodel its entire marketing campaign to conflict with XDefiant‘s release | Ubisoft

It’s also important to note that the two games occupy distinct niches within the shooter genre. XDefiant‘s free-to-play model and focus on class-based combat differentiate it from the traditional premium experience offered by Call of Duty, so they’re unlikely to cannibalize each other’s audience.


Nevertheless, the timing of these announcements seems to be a simple case of parallel development cycles converging. Both XDefiant and Black Ops 6 have the potential to be major players in the first-person shooter scene this year, and fans should be happy to have them, rather than devolve into petty arguments.


Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 247

A lifelong gamer, lover of cars, and Master's student of Automotive Journalism, Viraaj Bhatnagar is a gaming writer at FandomWire who aims to be one of the greats. When he's not hunched over on his laptop typing out copy, he can be found lapping circuits in Gran Turismo or slaying draugr in God of War.