“Friendly fire isn’t”: Helldivers 2 Troll Learns a Lesson the Hard Way – Don’t Be This Guy

The lesson here is to have fun without crossing boundaries.

“Friendly fire isn’t”: Helldivers 2 Troll Learns a Lesson the Hard Way – Don’t Be This Guy


  • Because of the horrible behavior of one player in the group, the entire team had to suffer in the match in Helldivers 2.
  • Endless trolling and frustration resulted in a potential friendship turning into a backlash that cost the team its ultimate victory.
  • Behavior like this is often considered 'toxic' by gamers and paints the game's community in a bad light.
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Helldivers 2, for the most part, is an extremely fun time with your friends. And sometimes, it can just turn into a lesson about what you shouldn’t be doing in an online game when sharing the platform with strangers. Especially when the team has a mutual objective, it would benefit everyone to act nicely.


In a recent turn of events, a group of Helldivers stepped into a match with a fellow random player. One of the group members decided to act rudely in their actions, which led the stranger to act violently, eventually costing the team an entire match’s worth of victory.

A Helldivers 2 Player Shares Their Experience About a Toxic Friend Costing Them a Potentially Good Time

The game can be extremely fun, as long as players respect one another.
The game can be extremely fun, as long as players respect one another.

Recently, Helldivers 2 player Outrageous_Alarm2418 shared their harsh experience with the Reddit community. The story starts off on a rather nice note, with a bunch of players coming together for a good time. However, the OP’s friend decided to act like a bully and trolled the other player even though they were acting nicely and caused no harm to the team.


Frustrated, the player, in turn, killed the team and disconnected. There are a lot of lessons to be learned here, and it’s disheartening to see another great game being a victim of toxic players. If you ever decide to have fun in Helldivers 2, please do so without crossing some obvious boundaries.

The community has been responding with equal concern, asking the OP to simply find new friends rather than take this as a personal lesson. On a positive note, this behavior is rather uncommon, and most players find cooperative gamers to have a great time with.

Have Fun, but Not at the Expense of Others

If you have a toxic friend on the team, it's time to have 'the talk' with them.
If you have a toxic friend on the team, it’s time to have ‘the talk‘ with them.

The post’s comment section is filled with players who are sharing an equal sentiment: making the best of one’s time in Helldivers 2 without resorting to any kind of trolling. Whether it’s a new player or a veteran who’s been playing the game for a while, it goes without saying that others should be treated fairly.


After all, the very point of Helldivers 2 is to make the most of the game’s ridiculously fun engine and objectives, with mechanics that build a strong foundation between players. But all this makes little sense when a player intentionally tries to give someone else a tough time.

This is a common thing among online games, and it’s sad to see another great title be a part of this kind of toxicity. While there are no concrete laws as to how Helldivers 2 is supposed to treat friendly fire, players can take advantage of this in the wrong ways.

What are your thoughts on this kind of behavior online? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.