Black Panther 2 – Michael B. Jordan Doesn’t Confirm or Deny Killmonger’s Return

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After the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman, we’ve all been wondering about Black Panther 2. Ryan Coogler is reworking the script to write T’Challa out of the Story. Just a little while back, we reported a bunch of details about the narrative choices that Black Panther 2 will make. Among those choices was the intel about Michael B. Jordan’s return as Killmonger. And now, the actor seems to be playing coy with the reports about his return in the upcoming Black Panther sequel.


While speaking with Good Morning America, he was asked about his return. And it was a solid “neither confirm nor deny” situation. But he did say that he is very open to his return. Here’s what he had to say:


“I can’t say too much about that one, man. Honestly, with uh, you know with the year that we’ve had and the loss of a dear friend. You know, they were figuring out whatever they need to do or what’s best for the franchise. They’re family so if I ever have the opportunity to get back into that franchise, I would.”


The fact that Jordan is not denying his return, and is actually willing to make a comeback does hint at the fact that he has had some talks with Marvel. He and Coogler share a strong working relationship. And considering the fact that Killmonger turned out to be such a beloved character, we don’t see how he doesn’t return. With the absence of T’Challa, the franchise might certainly need a heavy hitter like Killmonger. There’s also the matter of Jordan’s schedule. He is producing a Static Shock movie for DC. He has signed a new deal with Amazon. And he is supposed to direct and star in Creed 3, which goes under production some time this year. So if he has to return in Black Panther 2, then his schedule has to allow it.


How Will He Return Though?

Although, it will be interesting to see how Coogler handles his death situation from the last film. Towards the end of Black Panther, T’Challa offered to save him. He said, “Maybe we can still heal you?” To this, Killmonger replied, “Why? So you can just lock me up? No. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships… cause they knew death was better than bondage.” Then, he removed the blade from his chest and collapsed in a wide-angled shot.


We were given the impression that T’Challa was going to honor the final wish of his cousin. But did he though? Maybe he felt that Killmonger deserves another shot at life. Maybe he thought that he could right the wrongs of his father by giving his cousin the royal life that he should have got. So, he healed him anyway. This could be Killmonger’s shot redemption.

We’ll have to wait and see how the return of Killmonger is handled. His death is what made the ending of Black Panther so strong. That’s why, it’s important that Coogler works things around in such a way that Killmonger’s return doesn’t undermine the ending of the previous film.

Black Panther 2 arrives on July 8. Would you like to see the return of Michael B. Jordan? Tell us in the comments.




Written by Neal Johnson

Articles Published: 301

An avid movie fan and pop culture enthusiast.