“It would have to be with his blessings”: James Gunn Will Play Major Role in Chris Pratt’s Return as Star-Lord Even After Leaving MCU

If Chris Pratt is to return as Star-Lord in the MCU, he requires the blessing of former Guardians boss James Gunn, who is currently busy with the DCU.

Chris Pratt, James Gunn
Credits : Wikimedia Commons / A1Cafel


  • Chris Pratt's potential return to the MCU as Star-Lord relies heavily on James Gunn's approval.
  • Given the immense popularity of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and the trajectory of his character, speculation about his future involvement in the saga is bound to arise.
  • Pratt himself has indicated his eagerness to reprise the role if given the chance and if Gunn grants his blessing.
  • Despite Gunn's departure from Marvel, fans hope that his friendship with Pratt will lead to his support should the opportunity for a comeback present itself.
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As the MCU starts on a new phase and bids farewell to the OG gang, along with the supposed end of the Guardians of the Galaxy, fans eagerly anticipate the rise of new superheroes to take the spotlight and can’t wait to be a part of their journey. However, amidst all this excitement, there’s a yearning for familiar faces.

James Gunn
James Gunn. Image: Gage Skidmore/ Wikimedia Commons

Many wonder if Chris Pratt will ever don the Star-Lord suit again. While the answer isn’t quite straightforward, the actor has revealed that he would require James Gunn’s blessing to return to the role.

Chris Pratt Seeks James Gunn’s Approval Before Returning As Star-Lord in the MCU

Chris Pratt’s return to the MCU as Star-Lord hinges on James Gunn‘s approval, a sentiment he’s made abundantly clear. In discussions with IGN, Pratt expressed his willingness to reprise the role if there’s a compelling and substantive storyline.


Star-Lord holds a special place in Pratt’s heart, as the character’s journey profoundly impacted his Hollywood career. From his breakout role as Andy Dwyer alongside Amy Poehler on the NBC show Parks and Recreation, Pratt skyrocketed to A-list status when he stepped in as this Marvel superhero, instantly capturing the hearts of fans.

Given how much people love the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, and considering where his character ended up, speculation about his return to the saga in the future is inevitable. And thus, he revealed that he would love to jump back in if presented with an opportunity. He explained,

It’s hard to imagine what that would look like, so I guess I’d just have to take it on a case-by-case basis. Of course, I’d be open to it. I love the character. It changed my life. If it came along and it made sense and I felt like it was a story worth telling, then I’d certainly, certainly be open to it. I love playing Star-Lord.

Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in the MCU
Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in the MCU

He further added,


But it’d be tough to do without James, and you’d have to find an apparatus by which to maintain the tone that he so expertly creates, and it’s kind of hard because he’s truly one of a kind. And it would have to be with his blessing, so we’ll see.

James Gunn, who was once at the helm of the MCU and now tasked with revamping DC. Although he’s no longer with Marvel, fans are optimistic that Gunn, a close friend of Pratt’s, will support the actor if the opportunity arises for him to reprise the role.

Could Chris Pratt Join DCU to Work with Buddy James Gunn?

Chris Pratt and James Gunn’s friendship has stood the test of time, and now fans are all abuzz with the idea of Pratt diving into the all-new DCU. With his track record of success in blockbuster franchises, it’s no wonder fans are picturing him leaving his mark on yet another iconic saga.

The rumor mill is churning with the talk of Pratt joining Gunn’s revamped DC Universe. Gunn’s recent mysterious hint about Pratt’s involvement has sent fans into a frenzy.

Chris Pratt's Star lord and his team in Guardians of the Galaxy
Chris Pratt’s Star-lord and his team in Guardians of the Galaxy

And to add fuel to the fire, Gunn spilled the beans about Pratt’s visit to the Superman set. In a cheeky Instagram post, Gunn playfully dubbed Phyla-Vell actor, Kai Zen, “our favorite guardian of the galaxy,” jokingly stealing Pratt’s title. However, he further confirmed that Chris Pratt had already visited the set, stating, “He was already here taking things over for a day!”

Gunn’s confirmation of Pratt’s presence on set has fans speculating about which DC character Pratt might bring to life. Could Booster Gold be in his future? The possibilities are endless, and fans are loving every minute of the speculation.

The entire Guardians of the Galaxy saga is streaming on Disney+.


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 958

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.