Madame Web Budget and Box Office Collection: Dakota Johnson’s Marvel Debut Gets One of the Worst Openings Ever

Madame Web broke records and has became one of the worst-performing films from Sony.

Madame Web Budget and Box Office Collection: Dakota Johnson's Marvel Debut Gets One of the Worst Openings Ever


  • With the distinctiveness of Webb, and an A-list cast full of actors playing different Spider-people, Madame Web had a lot going for it.
  • It is therefore extremely surprising to find out that the film had an extremely disappointing debut at the box office.
  • So much so, that it broke records and became one of the worst-performing films that Sony has ever produced.
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Madame Web was a completely new direction for Sony’s Spider-Man Universe. It introduced completely new characters for live-action and tackled a storyline that is very rarely brought up. Cassandra Webb’s story is specifically unique when it comes to the Spider-verse, with abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.


It was no surprise that a story as memorable as this would have been adapted into Marvel at some point or the other.

madame web
Sony’s Madame Web

With the distinctiveness of Webb, and an A-list cast full of actors, like Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, and Emma Roberts, playing different Spider-people, Madame Web had a lot going for it.


Despite this, it is extremely surprising to find out that the film had a disappointing debut at the box office. So much so, that it broke records and became one of the worst-performing films that Sony ever created.

Madame Web Performed Very Poorly At The Box Office

Dakota Johnson’s Madame Web has just been released in theaters and the performance and the numbers that the film is pulling in are deeply concerning. It was reported by The Hollywood Handler on X that the film has made a total of $6 million at the domestic box office, thus far.

The update is only reinforcing the notion that both Marvel Studios and Sony’s Spider-Man Universe do not share the same influence as they once did, on the media and popular culture.

Madame Web
Dakota Johnson in Madame Web

The earning was made on a budget of $80 million, making it one of the worst-performing films to ever come out of Sony, and an unfortunate stagnation for the once-beloved franchise. While the Sony side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has not been having the greatest of times with audiences as well as critics, it is safe to say that it is a new low.

Fans Are Not Surprised With Madame Web‘s Disappointing Returns

The news of the unfortunate performance of Madame Web does not seem to come as a shock to fans. Some stated that it is a good thing that the movie was made by Sony and not Disney, as it would have had a much higher budget and lost a lot more money. Some mentioned that if the film’s performance keeps at this pace, it may even find it difficult to break even, let alone make a profit.

Dakota Johnson
Dakota Johnson in Madame Web



Some fans felt sorry for those who were a part of the project. Considering how Sony’s Spider-Man Universe has been on a decline when it comes to the performances of its films, the underwhelming response to the Dakota Johnson film does not even seem unpredictable.

One fan added that the film may be losing a lot more money than viewers realize. The marketing budget of films is often extremely high and left out of the production budget. The real figure of how much loss Sony will face will be hard to tell.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.