One Surprising Member of Guardians of the Galaxy Is Joining the Marvel Rivals Roster, and a Spider-Man Staple Villain Joins in Too

New heroes and villains will be joining the roster in Marvel Rivals.

Marvel's Rivals Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy


  • Marvel Rivals is coming to the PlayStation 5 and revealed Venom and Adam Warlock as playable characters.
  • NetEase Games is promising that every playable hero and villain will have unique move sets and playstyles.
  • Marvel Rivals will have a closed beta test later this year on the PlayStation 5.
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Marvel Rivals is headed to the PlayStation 5 later this year, and the recent State of Play revealed new characters will be available to join the fight. Fan-favorite heroes and villains like Adam Warlock and Venom are set to appear in the game, which could only be the start for more.


More characters to play with provide different options for playstyles. The developers are proud of what they have accomplished in terms of gameplay and promise that each hero or villain will feel unique and stand out without feeling like clones or reused assets.

Iconic Heroes and Villains Are Headed to Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals is officially coming to the PlayStation 5.
Marvel Rivals is officially coming to the PlayStation 5.

The gaming community is not surprised by this announcement and had already anticipated it to happen. Nevertheless, NetEase Games has confirmed that the multiplayer game will be coming to Sony’s platform with a closed beta in July. Players will be able to make use of many characters from Marvel lore, like the Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man, which quickly became fan favorites.


The multiplayer game was made available for a few select players on PC for beta testing and immediately found some issues like Iron Man’s slow traversal system, which could be remedied for the PlayStation version later this year. The trailer even revealed an exclusive cosmetic item for Spider-Man that will be given to every player.

Perhaps this ambitious multiplayer project will compensate for the embarrassing failure of Marvel’s Avengers and could fill in the void for a decent co-op Marvel game for the fans. Live service games nowadays can be hit or miss, and NetEase Games seems to be heavily inspired by the success and competitive nature of Overwatch and likely used it as a guideline for this game.

Marvel Rivals Could Have a Revolving Roster

Venom and Adam Warlock could be the first of many more new additions for Marvel Rivals.
Venom and Adam Warlock could be the first of many more new additions to Marvel Rivals.

The developers might be on to something since they were confident enough to throw potential shade at another superhero live service game called Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and heavily emphasized that the gameplay for each playable character for this game will not feel similar. The teaser trailer showcased the different combat styles of Venom and Adam Warlock.


There is a strong possibility for the developers to keep adding new heroes and villains throughout the years. The gaming community is hoping to see other big names across the rich history of Marvel make an appearance in the game, and NetEase Games has shown it knows how to integrate unique power sets for this form of competitive gameplay.

Perhaps this game will be well-received and will become a mainstay like many other multiplayer games that are dominating the market. The Marvel brand will surely get the attention of the general public, and it is up to the execution of the idea and learning from the mistakes of previous poor attempts.

The developers have already found success in multiplayer gaming on the mobile platform, and it is time for NetEase to step out of its comfort zone and venture into more ambitious gaming territory like consoles and PC.


Are you excited to use Adam Warlock and Venom in Marvel Rivals? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.