Is The Naruto Live Action Movie Happening?

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It was aired a while ago that a live-action adaptation of the Naruto anime and manga series was announced by Lionsgate. But since then it has gone quiet. What’s happening with the project?


As per information, Shaw is not alone in this conception as fans have started an online petition to push for the studio’s creative direction to be executed into the major film adaptation, which has already increased to over 12,000 signatures.

What’s the Status of the Live-Action Naruto Movie?


As one of the exclusive anime exports in the West, Naruto is one of the finest prime materials for Hollywood adaptation, but it isn’t the first Japanese property to attract international admirers.


As Lionsgate is predicted to have their own “Naruto” adaptation, Director Nik Shaw declares his goal is to exhibit major film executives that represent an important step in creating successful anime adaptations. Further, Shaw says:

“This project is not just a film on Youtube, but it is a movement. Lionsgate is currently adapting ‘Naruto’ into live-action”.


He also adds these comments stating, that a live-action adaptation should be all about sharing the beautiful stories from Japan with the world.

“Not only do we want to show respect to Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, but we also hope to show the executives at Lionsgate that we can adapt Naruto into live-action in a way that will excite fans and draw in new audiences. A live-action adaptation should be all about sharing the beautiful stories from Japan with the world in a reimagined light, while still maintaining true to the anime’s core message, characters, themes and creator’s vision.”

Who’s Involved in the Live-Action Naruto Movie?

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Naruto The Infamous Uchiha Massacre Scene Gets Live-Action Adaptation

Naruto was adapted into an anime series, which helped in earning the franchise, an enthusiastic worldwide following, which we all still enjoy today. If we count days, It’s been almost 5 years since the Naruto movie was announced by Lionsgate. And the official reveal was set to be coming in mid-2015.


Although details have been limited, Avi Arad is set to produce through his own company. In terms of story and complexion, little has been revealed about Naruto. Kishimoto has verified about he is being consulted about the adaptation, which is a good hint. The live-action Naruto screenplay is reportedly being written by Erich and Jon Hoeber, but there’s presently no news of which actors might be involved.

The newest update was about Naruto’s status came from Gracey himself in March 2018. Conversing with Collider, Gracey confirmed he was still busy with a cinematic visit to Konoha Village, despite the big success of The Greatest Showman. However, the director did concern that he wouldn’t proceed with the project without Kishimoto’s involvement. He also revealed that a script still hadn’t been finalized. The future of the film depends on finding a script everybody was satisfied with.


Written by Shreeparna Das

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