Locations of All Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Step into the arena and uncover the mystery behind Mysterio’s Mysteriums.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2


  • Find and complete all 10 Mysteriums in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
  • Prove your combat skills and earn medals and Hero Tokens.
  • Unlock a new suit for Miles and get the Behind the Masks trophy.
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Are you up for the challenge and ready to step into the arenas Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, has set up with his Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? As one of the many side activities waiting for you in New York City, these illusory experiences will put your combat mettle to the test.


Beat each of the challenges and reach various objectives to earn a Silver, Bronze, or Gold medal and rake in valuable Hero Tokens. With this handy guide, we’ll show you the locations of all 10 Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and give you some practical tips to help you get Gold.

These challenges will take you on a trippy ride, culminating in a grand final boss battle, and the unraveling of a dubious mystery behind Mysterio’s mask.


What Are Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Mysteriums in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Completing the Master Illusionist Main Story Mission as Miles will unlock the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. These challenges were set up by Quentin Beck, now-former Mysterio, and will see you fight off hordes of enemies and Mysterio himself in dramatic battles drenched in fluorescent green.

In the vein of the Taskmaster challenges in Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018), Quentin’s Mysteriums offer three tiers of rewards based on your performance. While all feature heavy combat, each includes different objectives, twists, and perils. Thankfully, this time, you only need the Bronze rank to complete them and get the trophy.


Initially, nine Mysteriums will appear. Playing as Miles, you can complete these in any order and replay them as many times as you want. After you beat all nine, a tenth challenge, the Grand Finale, will spawn on the map to wrap up the story and unveil Mysterio’s mystery in a dramatic showdown.

Once completed, you’ll get a brand-new suit for Miles and earn the Behind the Masks trophy. This guide will help you on this psychedelic journey through all the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Mysteriums are just one of the many collectibles in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Make sure to check out our other location guides to find them all:



Under Construction

Harlem Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

You’ll find one of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in the east of Harlem, inside the Roxxon Plaza.

Harlem Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Under Construction


The objective in “Under Construction” is to defeat 20 enemies as fast as you can. Beat them all in under one minute to earn the Gold Medal and get two Hero Tokens.

The hook? During the second stage of the challenge, the arena will fill with toxic gas, which will slowly deplete your health.

Try to defeat as many enemies as you can within the first half of the challenge. Once the toxic gas starts chipping away at your health bar, resist the temptation to use your focus to heal straight away. Instead, use it to perform Finishers and knock out enemies faster. Heal only when the situation gets dire.


Central Park

Everyone’s a Critic

Central Park Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

“Everyone’s a Critic” is one of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. It’s located on the border between Central Park and the Upper East Side.

Central Park Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Everyone’s a Critic


You have to defeat 30 enemies within the allocated time. Achieve this in under 1:45 minutes to earn Gold and get two Hero Tokens.

You will also have to avoid Mysterio’s fist, which will punch up from the ground. Watch out when the hexagon appears underneath you and starts following you around. Once the shape has taken form, the fist will strike and pummel anyone standing on it.

Avoid Mysterio's fist in Central Park's Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Everyone’s a Critic


Jump and dodge (X + O) to get out of the way, and use L2+R2 to zip to another location quickly. Zipping to enemies using Triangle can also help to get out of the danger zone fast. And if you can web up an enemy on the hexagon, Mysterio’s fist will take care of them for you.

Upper East Side

Prison Break

Upper East Side Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Located right next to the bridge connecting the Upper East Side and Queens, you’ll find another one of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.



The objective of “Prison Break” is to defeat 20 enemies as fast as you can. To reach the Gold rank, make sure to beat them all in under 2:15 minutes.

But beware of Mysterio! He will enter the scene and keep reappearing in the second stage of the challenge. Whenever he appears, all enemies will be protected by impenetrable shields until you’ve knocked out Mysterio.


A red exclamation mark will reveal his location. Use Triangle to zip to him and defeat him to make the other enemies vulnerable again.


The Invisible Enemy

Midtown Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

You’ll find one of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in the center of the northern half of Midtown.


Midtown Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: The Invisible Enemy

In “The Invisible Enemy”, you have to perform six Finishers within the allocated time. That means you have to defeat enemies by pressing Triangle + O with a full Focus Bar. Make sure to rack up your combo count as much as you can to recharge your Finishers faster. Avoid healing unless you’re about to die.

In the second stage of the challenge, enemies keep turning invisible. Pay close attention to your Spidey Sense to detect incoming attacks. Using Miles’ Venom powers is also a great way to defeat enemies, even if they’re invisible.



Fight On Time

Chinatown Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

One of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is located in the northwest of Chinatown.



In “Fight On Time,” you will have to defeat six enemies by using Finishers (Triangle + O) once again. Achieve this in under 3:30 minutes to reach the Gold rank.

During the second stage of the challenge, a giant laser will start following you whenever the clock strikes. Swing and zip away, or jump and dodge to avoid it. Focus on air combat and keep that combo count up to charge Finishers faster.

Downtown Queens 

Punch Your Ticket

Downtown Queens Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


Head to the southeast of Downtown Queens to find another one of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.


The goal in “Punch Your Ticket” is to defeat six Brutes (the big guys) as fast as you can. Achieve this in under two minutes, and you’ll earn the Gold Medal.


While avoiding the Brutes’ heavy swings, you’ll also have to avoid the train that will come shooting through the arena randomly. Watch out for the train tracks spawning underneath you moments before the train appears, and get out of the way immediately.

Use your webs and throwables in the environment to stun Brutes and make them vulnerable to damage. If you web them up on the tracks, the train will make short work of them.


Road Rage

Williamsburg Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


One of Williamsburg’s Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is located right next to the bridge, inside the large building with the giant hole in the middle.

Williamsburg Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Road Rage

In “Road Rage,” you’ll have to defeat 20 enemies without taking any damage. For this one, time is not of the essence, so you can take as long as you want to avoid getting hit.


This is the arena where you can really hone your dodge and parry skills. To earn the Gold Medal, you’ll have to come out the other side completely unscathed.

But it’s not just the enemies trying to beat you up. There will be cars racing through the arena at random times. Pay attention to the arrows spawning on the ground and listen for their honks moments before they arrive.

Williamsburg Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Road Rage - avoid the cars.


Focus on skillfully dodging enemy attacks, and use air combat to get some distance from enemies. As you can take your time, make use of the entire arena to get space and avoid being hit.

Note that you can still complete this challenge even if you do get hit a lot. As long as you defeat 20 enemies and survive the battle, you will complete this Mysterium – but with a Bronze rank.

Grave Decision

Williamsburg Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


You’ll find the second Mysterium in Williamsburg in the center of the district underneath some trees.

Williamsburg Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Grave Decision

This Halloween-themed challenge is, again, about making it out the other side unscathed. Survive three waves of enemies – including Mysterio himself – without taking any damage to get the Gold rank in “Grave Decision.”


At some stage, Mysterio will start hurling skulls at you. It’s best to defeat Mysterio first whenever he appears. Keep an eye on your Spidey Sense to anticipate incoming flying skulls. If you time it correctly, you can use them to your advantage and throw them at enemies with L1+R1.

Downtown Brooklyn 

Fear of Heights

Downtown Brooklyn Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The last of the initial nine Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is located in the northeast of Downtown Brooklyn.


Downtown Brooklyn Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

In “Fear of Heights,” you don’t just have to defeat swaths of enemies, you have to kick them off the edge into the void. Send 15 enemies flying in under 1:30 minutes to earn the Gold Medal in this Mysterium.

At some stage, Mysterio will join the arena, making things harder for you by throwing skulls at you. Pay attention to your Spidey Sense to anticipate incoming projectiles and press L1+R1 at the right moment to throw them at your enemies.


One of the fastest ways to send enemies flying is by swing-kicking them off the edge (aim and hold Square while in the air). You can also just swing above the void and then pull enemies to you by pressing Triangle. Then all you have to do is drop them into the abyss.

The Final Mysterium in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Face Mysterio in the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Once you have completed all nine Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the tenth and final challenge will spawn on the map. By now, you will have received several phone calls and listened to a series of voice recordings, giving you a peek behind the Mysteriums’ curtains. But what is actually going on, and what are they hiding?


Warning: Minor Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 spoilers follow. 

Grand Finale

The last of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Head to Coney Island to find out! In the Grand Finale, the last of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, a climactic showdown, and a dramatic reveal of Mysterio’s mysteries await.


The last of the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Enter the Mysterium on Coney Island, where Mysterio himself will be waiting for you. You’ll get teleported into a snow globe of New York, with Mysterio towering over you. Defeat the enemies and avoid Mysterio’s flying skulls to make it to the next stage.

At some point, a portal will open. Zip through it using L2+R2 and watch out for incoming lasers. Swing and glide your way through the upside-down skyscrapers and zip through another portal to face Mysterio.


Beware of the massive skulls he’ll be hurling your way. You’ll be able to see them coming whenever green hexagon shapes start appearing in front of him. Use L1+R1 at the right moment to catch the skulls and throw them to stun him and cause damage. Use Triangle to zip to Mysterio in the air.

After defeating him, you’ll get “trapped” in a seemingly endless corridor. The way out? Simply turn around and walk the other way and a door will appear. Once again, Mysterio will be waiting for you on the other side. You’ll have to fight him and a number of Mysterio copies. A quick way to deal with them is by using Miles’ area attacks.

Mysteriums in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Mysterio will then fly in front of a gigantic Ferris wheel that’s shooting massive lasers. Make your way towards him by zipping through the air and using land masses in the area. When in range, press Triangle to get to Mysterio and finish him.

After the big battle, a cutscene with a big reveal and a brilliant quote by Quentin Beck will wrap up the story and mystery behind the Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Once you’ve completed all ten Mysteriums in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Miles will be rewarded with the Smoke and Mirrors Suit, and you’ll receive the Behind the Masks trophy. 


If you could use more tips and walkthroughs, make sure to check out our other game guides as well.

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Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 84

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.