May 2024 PlayStation State of Play Predictions – From Locks to Longshots, This Is What We Want (and Desperately Need) To See

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At the time of writing this, Sony has just announced the PlayStation State of Play for May 2024. With the summer showcase season, (formally known as E3,) just around the corner, it will be interesting to see how Sony lays out their upcoming slate for the next few years.


Add to that the fact that this is Sony’s time to really shine and show everyone why PlayStation is king. With Xbox failing to deliver the goods as of late, and a lack of first party PS5 titles confirmed, now seems like the perfect time for the PlayStation State of Play to drop.

So below, each member of the FandomWire Gaming team has made a prediction for what they expect to see during the event respectively. I will list these below followed by a bit of commentary on how likely I believe each prediction is:


Daniel Boyd – Gaming Lead

It is high time to see what these teams have been cooking.
It is high time to see what these teams have been cooking.

Both Housemarque and Bluepoint Games Will Show Off a New Title

Let’s kick things off with something a bit bold. For me to predict that either one of these companies would show off a new title at the upcoming State of Play would be a pretty safe bet, but I’m taking things a step further.

Given the fact that we have no idea what Housemarque or Bluepoint is working on, despite their last titles dropping way back in 2021 and 2020 respectively, the May 2024 State of Play feels like the ideal time to show off what the teams have been cooking up. They may not be the most exciting titles shown during the presentation, but they would represent two solid upcoming first party titles coming from two reputable studios.

Luke Addison – Gaming Lead

Seeing a sequel announced during a State of Play all these years later would be insane.
Seeing a sequel announced during a State of Play all these years later would be insane.

Shadow of the Colossus 2 is Announced

I have a sneaking suspicion that Luke doesn’t really expect this to happen, but rather is just hoping for this pipe dream to come true. Personally, I reckon there is a much greater chance that an Ico remake is in development. In fact, that could even possibly be the game that Bluepoint has been working on and will announce during the showcase.


That said, the idea of a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus being announced almost 20 years since the original would be pretty mind blowing and would certainly be a PS5 exclusive that would get people talking.

Osama Farooq – Senior Editor

Concord - Teaser Trailer | PS5 & PC Games

A Gameplay Trailer for Concord Is Shown

Osama’s is probably the most sure-fire prediction on this list. Given that Concord is the only first party Sony title with a confirmed 2024 release date, in addition to a recent leak stating that more info will be given on the game in the coming weeks, this seems like all but a lock. The only doubt in my mind regarding Concord is whether it will be shown during the May 2024 State of Play, or Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest stream.


Due to the fact that it is a first party Sony title though, the upcoming State of Play seems more likely. If it does indeed make an appearance, it will likely be in the form of a gameplay deep dive. In a title of this nature showing gameplay is key and as we haven’t seen any gameplay so far, it seems pretty necessary to show off.

Adil Farooq – Senior Editor

Still in a dream...
Still in a dream…

A New Trailer for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Shown

As this remake was originally announced during the 2023 PlayStation Showcase, it would make a lot of sense for another trailer to drop during this upcoming State of Play. Hopefully a release date for the game will also be announced, but at the very least I expect to see some sort of gameplay to be shown.

The fact that the game isn’t using the FOX Engine means that it won’t play in the way that titles like MGS V Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain did, therefore I’d like to see the approach being taken in Unreal Engine 5.


Also, as a Hideo Kojima stan, I’d personally like to hear something from the team behind the game. Considering Konami’s track record regarding treatment of the MGS franchise post Kojima’s departure, some reassurance for fans would be appreciated.

Rohit Tiwari – Editor

Let's hope this guy is too caught up in ruining TLOU Part 3 to be involved with the new IP.
Let’s hope this guy is too caught up in ruining TLOU Part 3 to be involved with the new IP.

Naughty Dog’s Next Project Will Be Unveiled

Since the cancellation of The Last of Us: Factions, Naughty Dog has been hard at work on… something. Unfortunately at this time, it is hard to know exactly what that could be. The most likely candidate is probably The Last of Us Part 3. Despite the fact that the existence of Part 2 still doesn’t seem to have justified its existence four years after release, Neil Druckmann seems determined to milk this franchise for all that it is worth.

Although, another TLOU game doesn’t quite feel right as the next Naughty Dog title, it just feels too soon. Nor does a new Uncharted game make sense given how Uncharted 4 wrapped up things for Nathan Drake, thus we could potentially see a Naughty Dog announce its first new IP in over a decade at the upcoming State of Play which would be pretty exciting.


Liam Magee – Editor

The boys are back in town again.
The boys are back in town again.

A New Ratchet & Clank Game Will Be Shown

While I have no doubt that a sequel to Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is in development at Insomniac, I personally don’t see it being announced during the May 2024 State of Play. This is mainly based on Insomniac’s track record. After Marvel’s Spider-Man released in 2018, we subsequently got The City That Never Sleeps DLC and the Miles Morales spinoff before we saw the release of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

This leads me to believe that we will see Spider-Man 2 DLC announced, (as well as possibly a standalone spinoff title,) before a new Ratchet & Clank is confirmed. That said though, with how great the last two games in the series have been, I would be more than happy for Liam to prove me wrong on this one.

Lisa Kamlot – Writer


Carnage DLC for Spider-Man 2 Will Be Confirmed and a Trailer Will Be Shown

Although Insomniac has already said that Wolverine won’t be getting shown off anytime soon, the studio didn’t say anything about not showing new Spider-Man content. The next few predictions will be Spidey related, but of the three, I believe that Lisa’s has the most chance of coming true during the upcoming State of Play.

One of the biggest threads left hanging after the events of Spider-Man 2 revolved around Cletus Kasady, who was last seen fleeing into a helicopter with a vial containing the Carnage symbiote in his hand. Just as Black Cat was teased in Insomniac’s first Spider-Man game before being featured in that game’s DLC, it seems that the same thing has been set up for Carnage to take centre stage in the Spider-Man 2 story DLC.

Suhaib Adeel – Writer

Remember that time that Eminem wrote a song about this guy?
Remember that time that Eminem wrote a song about this guy?

Insomniac Will Officially Announce the Venom Spinoff Game

Due to the major Insomniac leaks that took place last year, we know for a fact that a Venom spinoff title is in development. This shouldn’t really come as a huge surprise given that the short section of Spider-Man 2 where Venom was playable was the best part of that game. Just as a Miles Morales standalone spinoff title made complete sense following the first game, a Venom standalone spinoff title makes complete sense following Spider-Man 2.


The only reason that I doubt Suhaib’s prediction that this will be officially announced during the May 2024 State of Play, is due to the order of the rollout of the additional content following the release of Spider-Man 2018. Just as The City That Never Sleeps DLC dropped before the release of Miles Morales, I feel that the Carnage DLC will drop before the standalone Venom game.

Anurag Batham – Writer

Just imagine the scenes if this got revived.
Just imagine the scenes if this got revived.

A Trailer for The Great Web Is Shown, Having Been Revived From Cancellation

Of our Spider-Man related predictions, Anurag’s is unfortunately the most unlikely. Revealed during the Insomniac leaks last year, Spider-Man: The Great Web was a co-op live-service title set within Insomiac’s Spidey universe that would have seen you be able to team up with your friends and swing around NYC as a group of Spider-Man variants. It was subsequently cancelled and is currently believed to be dead.

With that said though, when footage from the cancelled project leaked and spread through platforms like Reddit and Twitter, the fan reaction was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing immense disappointment that it had been cancelled. We could potentially have another #releasetheSnydercut situation on our hands, with Sony coming out looking like heroes if they can revive a cancelled project based on the will of the fans.


Lucas Lapetina – Writer

Harder, better, faster, stronger.
Harder, better, faster, stronger.

The PS5 Pro Will Be Shown Off In All its Glory

While it does seem like Sony will officially announce this new piece of hardware before the end of the year, and Jeff Grubb has mentioned hearing things said about it, I don’t agree with Lucas’ belief that it will have a presence in this upcoming State of Play.

My reasoning for this is primarily historical. When the PS4 Pro was officially unveiled, it took place in a State of Play stream late in the year, with the entire show being dedicated to the half-step console upgrade. The console then launched two months later.

I reckon that history will repeat itself and the PS5 Pro will be officially unveiled during a dedicated State of Play steam later on in the year. On the slim chance it will appear during the May event, it will come with a message saying that more details will be revealed soon, teasing that second State of Play later in the year.


Sagar Nerala – Writer

This is not the greatest handheld in the world, this is just a tribute.
This is not the greatest handheld in the world, this is just a tribute.

Sony’s New Handheld PlayStation Device Will be Revealed

It is essentially common knowledge at this point that Sony has been hard at work developing a competitor to the Switch. R&D on this device was likely completed a while ago, thus it makes sense to announce it if it is ready to go, especially given the fairly surprising success of the PlayStation Portal.

Once again though, I personally feel that there is more chance of this new piece of hardware being announced officially alongside the PS5 Pro later in the year during a State of Play stream as opposed to Sagar’s suggestion that it will be shown during the May 2024 presentation. It would work well to bolster Sony’s new hardware lineup for the latter half of this generation. The rumored new Duelsense controller featuring a larger battery could also fit into this hardware announcement.

Ishan Vashishth – Writer

At this rate, Sony will have studios remaking games before they are even out yet!
At this rate, Sony will have studios remaking games before they are even out yet!

The Horizon: Zero Dawn Remake Is Announced

In this current generation, Sony’s go-to solution to make up for the fact that there haven’t been a great deal of notable first party AAA releases, is to remake first party AAA titles, even if they are only a few years old. 2017’s Horizon: Zero Dawn is the latest rumored title to be getting this treatment.


While it does seem like a certainty that Sony is going to continue churning out unneccesary remakes of games that really don’t require it, Ishan’s prediction would make more sense as an announcement to go along with the reveal of the PS5 Pro. The Pro needs a number of apps to launch alongside it in order to justify its existence. Something like a new Astrobot title alongside a major remake like this seems to make a lot of sense.

Rouvin Quirimit – Writer

Return to Tsushima.
Return to Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima Sequel Finally Revealed

Along with the appearance of Concord, Rouvin’s is probably the most likely prediction on this list. Sucker Punch’s silence over the past few years has been deafening and following the recent success of the PC release of Ghost of Tsushima, the timing of a sequel announcement seems extremely likely.

Personally, I don’t expect to see gameplay and would be quite happy with a cinematic story trailer. I also don’t see a specific release date being given for the game’s launch, however we could get a release window of 2025 or 2026.


Dustin Caldwell – Writer

If this film looks as great as John Wick 4 did, then we are in for a treat.
If this film looks as great as John Wick 4 did, then we are in for a treat.

Some Update on the Ghost of Tsushima Movie, Possibly a Trailer

In addition to Ghost of Tsushima 2 being announced, it would make a lot of sense to capitilise on that hype with an appearance from Chad Stahelski to discuss the upcoming big screen adaption. Getting some insight into what the John Wick director envisions for this movie would mean a lot to fans of the game.

There is also a chance that production on the film is further on that we think. Although I’d be surprised to get a full on movie trailer, I agree with Dustin that we could see a teaser being shown that possibly gives the release date that the film is aiming for.

Tanay Sharma – Writer

Marathon - Announce Trailer | PS5 & PC Games


Bungie Will Show More Marathon

Since Sony made the pivot back from the hard lean towards live-service titles late last year, not much has been said about Marathon. This is pretty odd considering that it is a revival of a classic FPS, being developed by Bungie, a huge studio purchased by Sony back in 2022.

Surely therefore, the May 2024 State of Play would be the perfect time to remind FPS fans that the game exists by showing off some exciting gameplay sequences and possibly even providing a release date to look forward to. The lack of a great PlayStation exclusive FPS title has been notable for years, and I agree with Tanay that Marathon could be the title to fill that void.

Vibha Hegde – Writer

Will the Star Wars crossover be confirmed?
Will the Star Wars crossover be confirmed?

Kingdom Hearts 4 Will Make an Appearance

After being first announced back in 2022, not a great deal of concrete info has been given regarding Kingdom Hearts 4. Given the success of Final Fantasy XVI, along with the many rumors that Sony are angling to purchase the Eastern division of Square Enix, it seems to line up that Kingdom Hearts 4 will be shown off during the May 2024 State of Play.


Unlike Vibha, I am not into this franchise at all, so I hesitate to say whether or not we will also get a gameplay trailer and a release date, but it is something that I am certain would make certain people watching very happy, and Sony knows that too. Showing this title off would probably garner a lot of good will from fans.

Andy MacGregor – Writer

Weirdly, I played more of this game that FF7 growing up.
Weirdly, I played more of this game that FF7 growing up.

Final Fantasy IX Remake Revealed Officially

Thanks to multiple rumors and leaks, we are aware that the Final Fantasy IX remake is in development, however we have yet to see an official announcement. As is the case with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy is a title being developed by Square Enix, thus Andy’s prediction that its official reveal will come during the upcoming State of Play makes a lot of sense.

Fans of the classic Japanese series have been wondering which remake is coming next since the launch of Rebirth, so it makes sense to follow up that demand with a confirmation that development is underway. The real question is whether it will be split into multiple parts or sold as one singular package.


Nikola Pajtic – Writer

Can't deny that gorgeous artwork.
Can’t deny that gorgeous artwork.

Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster Revealed Officially

First proven to be a real game in development through the Nvidia leaks back in 2021, fans have been wondering for years now where the Final Fantasy Tactics remaster is. How are we three years down the line and this still hadn’t been officially announced by Square Enix? Whether it appears alongside the Final Fantasy IX remake, or is shown instead of it, Nikola believes that the upcoming State of Play is where the first trailer will drop.

Unlike the Final Fantasy IX remake, if a trailer for the FF Tactics remaster trailer is shown, I believe that it will come along with a release window. If this game has been in development since 2021, then a specific release date for the game may even be given. Although, given Square Enix’s track record, I’d say a more vague release window is more likely.

Arkaneel Khan – Writer

Pragmata - Announcement Trailer | PS5


Pragmata Will Be Shown

Since being first announced way back in the pre-Covid world of 2020, Pragmata’s development has been pretty tumultuous, seeing multiple delays after previously announced release dates were missed. Now that the pandemic is a couple of years in the past and the Capcom has been given some more time to cook, now seems like the perfect time to show off more of the game.

Ideally we will get a look at gameplay and will also hear about a new release date for the title. Like Arkaneel, I believe that there is more chance of Capcom showing off Pragmata than there is of the team showing a new Resident Evil or Monster Hunter title.

Akshit Dangi – Writer

Death Stranding 2 On The Beach - State of Play Announce Trailer | PS5 Games


A Release Date is Given for Death Stranding 2

Although Death Stranding isn’t technically a PlayStation exclusive, Hideo Kojima’s bizarre post apocalyptic sci-fi series has strong ties to Sony’s platform that can’t be denied. Thus, it would feel odd for the May 2024 State of Play to come and go without bringing with it some new information regarding Death Stranding 2: On the Beach.

I agree with Akshit that the major piece of info that will be given here will be the game’s release date. Hopefully it is coming sooner rather than later, as Kojima has a number of interesting projects on the backburner that I really want to get my hands on. Some gameplay would be cool to see too.

Stuart Murray – Writer

We all want to know what SSM is up to.
We all want to know what SSM is up to.

Cory Barlog’s New IP Will Be Unveiled

Given the fact that this project was greenlit way back in 2018, just after God of War came out, surely this project must be in a good enough state to be shown off now. Things have been deathly quiet and although rumors of a potential sci-fi direction have permeated, no official title, date, or even remote hint towards what this game is has been officially given.


It would make sense for Sony Santa Monica to let the God of War franchise rest for a few years following the success of Valhalla. Although there are rumours that an Atreus standalone game is in development, I agree with Stuart that there is more chance of this brand new IP being announced first.

Travis Vuong – Writer

Back from the dead yet again?
Back from the dead yet again?

MediEvil 2 Remaster Will Be Revealed

Sadly, I reckon that Travis’ prediction is one of the least likely on this list to come true. It could happen, and I certainly wouldn’t be mad if it was shown, but I struggle to believe that resources are being dedicated to develop a new version of MediEvil 2.

I tried to do some digging into the sales numbers of the first remaster and it seems as though while it wasn’t a complete flop, it didn’t sell gangbusters either. If that first remaster had been a huge, runaway success on the scale of something like Helldivers 2, then I could absolutely see Sony greenlighting a sequel. However, for the sake of some pretty mediocre sales numbers and some fairly weak brand recognition it feels like a stretch.


Tunahan Karakis – Writer

Hopefully the launch will be later this year.
Hopefully the launch will be later this year.

The Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Release Date Will Be Revealed

Okay, so it turns out that Tunahan’s is the most unlikely prediction on this list. Not because Konami giving the release date of the Silent Hill 2 remake isn’t imminent, but because it won’t happen during the May 2024 State of Play.

This is because Silent Hill transmission has been officially announced and will take place on May 30. Therefore, by the time that the upcoming State of Play happens, there is a very good chance that we will already know the release date for the Silent Hill 2 remake. Still though, it could make an additional appearance to show off some more gameplay or something.

Sparsh Sharma – Writer


Sony Bend’s New IP Is Shown

Other than a brief reply to a Tweet back in January of this year, Sony Bend has said virtually nothing about the new IP they are working on. All that we really know for sure at this point is that Days Gone 2 isn’t in the works, although it is something that many fans would like to see happen someday. There have been rumors that this is some sort of live service title.

The fact that it is a new IP also means that it isn’t the long-rumored remake of Syphon Filter either. With little else to go on, it is difficult to speculate any further, but surely there aren’t many better opportunities to reveal a brand new first party IP than during a State of Play event.

Eduardo Ariedo – Writer

Let's see Sweet Tooth in HD.
Let’s see Sweet Tooth in HD.

A New Twisted Metal Game Is Revealed

This would be incredible. Out of all of the predictions on this list, Eduardo’s may be the one that I’d most like to see actually happen. Given the success of the recent TV adaptation starring Anthony Mackie, combined with Sony’s current need for more recognisable PlayStation exclusives, this one almost makes too much sense.


Mackie himself could even show up during the presentation to announce it, then perhaps offer a sneak peek at season 2 of the show. That said, if we do see anything from a Sony TV show during the May 2024 State of Play, it will likely be something from The Last of Us Season 2.

Chad Glapion – Writer

Back to Greece.
Back to Greece.

God of War 1-3 Remasters Are Announced

The existence of a modern remaster of the original God of War trilogy first emerged early this year via a leak. If Sony Santa Monica does want to take a rest from developing new God of War titles for a while, this could be a good way to do that while still keeping the God of War brand relevant in the eyes of consumers.

It would buy the team more time to work on Cory Barlog’s new IP title, or the rumored game based around Atreus. This is the main reason that I can see Chad’s prediction coming true during the May 2024 State of Play.


Nilendu Brahma

Returnal - Gameplay Trailer | PS5

Either a Returnal Sequel or DLC Will be Shown

Nil doesn’t think that Housemarque is working on a new game, but rather some sort of follow up to 2021’s PS5 exclusive roguelike Returnal. However, this would be a bit of a surprise given that Housemarque doesn’t really tend to make sequels. This is the main reason that I think there is more chance of seeing a new game announced as opposed to returning to Returnal.

With that said though, Returnal was a pretty huge success for both Housemarque and Sony, so that established brand recognition may be enough to warrant the idea of Housemarque making a sequel for the first time in years.


What predictions do you have for the May 2024 State of Play?

That completes our list of predictions for the May 2024 State of Play. If they manage to fit all of that into a half hour stream then I will be very impressed, although somehow I doubt it!

What did you make of our predictions? What do you expect to be shown during the upcoming presentation? Let us know down in the comments section below and stay tuned for our coverage of the event.


Written by Daniel Boyd

Articles Published: 157

Dan is one of FandomWire's Gaming Content Leads and Editors. Along with Luke Addison, he is one of the site's two Lead Video Game Critics and Content Co-ordinators. He is a 28-year-old writer from Glasgow. He graduated from university with an honours degree in 3D Animation, before pivoting to pursue his love for critical writing. He has also written freelance pieces for other sites such as Game Rant, WhatCulture Gaming, and The Big Glasgow Comic Page. He loves movies, video games and comic books.