Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Beat up Kraven’s goons and clear out their hideouts.


  • Find the locations of all Hunter Blinds.
  • Unlock and complete all Hunter Bases.
  • Earn valuable rewards, two new suits, and the Seek and Destroy trophy.
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Kraven and his band of Hunters have set up camp in New York, and it’s up to the Spider-Men to destroy their bases and thwart their devilish plans. We’ll show you the locations of all Hunter Blinds and Hunter Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and how to unlock and beat each of them.


You’ll infiltrate a total of 11 Hunter Blinds, each hiding valuable information about the Hunters’ whereabouts. Complete these, and you’ll unlock four Hunter Bases spread out across town.

Put your stealth and combat skills to the test as you beat up swaths of Hunters. Earn valuable resources, brand-new suits for Peter and Miles, and a silver trophy for yourself.


What Are Hunter Blinds and Hunter Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

During the Bad Guys on the Block Main Story Mission, Peter and Miles find out about Kraven and his Hunters, after which the first batch of Hunter Blinds will appear on the map. You can then complete these and the associated Hunter Bases as either Peter or Miles at any point during the game.

Hunter Blinds are staging grounds used by Kraven and his goons to plan and run his devious operations. Hidden underneath a holographic dome, you’ll find the locations of all Hunter Blinds on rooftops in various districts across the city.


How to Complete Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

To complete the locations of all Hunter Blinds, you have to take out the enemies and find the Talon Drone to unveil details about the associated Hunter Base via its holographic map.

Each of the Hunter Blinds will reveal one detail about the associated Hunter Base:

  1. The first will show you the communications center.
  2. The second will highlight certain vulnerabilities.
  3. The last one will reveal the location of the Hunter Base.

The order in which you get these details is always the same. However, depending on which Hunter Blind you tackle first, the Blind you get the details from might change.


Once you’ve found and cleaned up the locations of all Hunter Blinds in one district, the location of the associated Hunter Base in the area will be revealed.

How to Beat All Hunter Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

While Hunter Blinds are relatively small enemy camps set up on rooftops, Hunter Bases are significantly larger. Spanning across several levels inside abandoned buildings, they are teeming with Hunters.

Use these steps to clear out Hunter Bases:

  • Take advantage of each Base’s vulnerabilities to weaken the Hunters.
  • Disable the communications systems to prevent them from calling backup.
  • Use your stealth skills and the Web Line to take enemies out undetected and avoid being overwhelmed by swaths of enemies.
  • Defeat all the enemies inside the base.
  • Find and download data on Kraven.

There are a total of 11 Hunter Blinds and four Hunter Bases for you to complete. With this guide, you’ll find the locations of all Hunter Blinds and Hunter Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 with ease.

Completing them will reward you with XP, Tech Parts, Rare Tech Parts, and Hero Tokens. Once you beat all of them, you’ll get Hunter-style suits for Peter and Miles and the Seek and Destroy trophy.

Besides the Hunter Blinds and Bases, there are a lot more collectibles in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Use our handy location guides to find all of them:


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Motorpool Blind #1

The map below shows the locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem. These will spawn after you’ve completed the Bad Guys on the Block Main Mission and can be tackled in any order. One is located in the center of the district.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


Motorpool Blind #2

You’ll find the next one just a few blocks over to the west.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


Motorpool Blind #3

The third Hunter Blind is all the way in the west of Harlem.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


At each of the Hunter Blinds, use the Talon Drone to get intel on the Motorpool Hunter Base in Harlem.

First, locate the communications center:

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem


At the second Blind, find three vulnerabilities:

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Finally, after completing the locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem, the location of the Motorpool Hunter Base will be revealed.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side

Arsenal Blind #1

The map below shows the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side. There are three Arsenal Blinds in this district that will lead you to the Arsenal Hunter Base. You’ll find the first one in the northeast of the Upper West Side.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side

Arsenal Blind #2

One of the Hunter Blinds is located in the very east of the Upper West Side.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Arsenal Blind #3

To complete the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side, head to the west of the district.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

At each of these, beat up the enemies and find the Talon Drone to reveal details about the Arsenal Hunter Base in the area.

At the first Hunter Blind you visit, find the comm center here:


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

At the second, find three vulnerabilities.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


After clearing out the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side, the location of the associated Arsenal Hunter Base will be revealed.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Financial District

Garden Blind #1

Find the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Financial District with the map below. You’ll have to clear out three Garden Blinds to reveal the location of the Garden Hunter Base. The first Hunter Blind is located right next to the bridge.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Garden Blind #2

The second Garden Blind is just a couple of blocks further south.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

This Hunter Blind is a unique one. At this location, you won’t find any Hunters on the rooftop. Instead, three bird drones are surveilling the area and the floor is covered with a grid of lasers. Jump onto one of the poles and eliminate the drones with Web Strike Takedown (Triangle).


Then head to the southeastern corner of the building to turn off the lasers. Slowly maneuver through the lasers shielding the switch, then use L1+R1 to deactivate them. You will then be able to access the information from the Talon Drone.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Garden Blind #3

Head to the southern tip of the Financial District to complete all Hunter Blinds and reveal the location of the Hunter Base in the area.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

After defeating the enemies and disabling the Hunters’ traps, find the Talon Drone at each of these Blinds to get intel on the Hunter Base in the district.


At the first one, find the comm center.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

At the second Blind you visit, reveal the Base’s two vulnerabilities.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

After completing the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Financial District, the location of the Garden Hunter Base will be shown.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Downtown Brooklyn 

Aviary Blind #1

Downtown Brooklyn has two Aviary Hunter Blinds for you to clear out. You’ll find one in the center of the district.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Aviary Blind #2

Go to the north of Downtown Brooklyn to find the second Aviary Blind and complete the locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


One of the Aviary Hunter Blinds will reveal the associated Base’s vulnerabilities:

Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The second will show you the location of the Aviary Hunter Base in Downtown Brooklyn:


Locations of all Hunter Blinds in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Locations of All Hunter Bases in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

After you’ve visited the locations of all Hunter Blinds, you will have unlocked all four Hunter Bases. These are marked by a red shield on the map.

Motorpool Hunter Base in Harlem

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


The Motorpool Hunter Base will be unlocked once you’ve been to the locations of all Hunter Blinds in Harlem. The Base is located in the northwest of the district, inside an abandoned school.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Motorpool Hunter Base Sub-Objectives:

  • Disable the communications console.
  • Sabotage 3 vehicle turrets.

You can ignore the sub-objectives for each Base, but you can make things easier for yourself by completing them. In this case, sabotage three vehicle turrets by disabling their power source using your webs (L1+R1). This way, they can’t be used against you during the fight. Mission markers will appear to show you where they are located.

One mission marker will also reveal the location of the comm center. Disable it to make sure the Hunters can’t call for reinforcements.

The main objective is to defeat all Hunters in the Base. Once you’ve knocked all of them out, follow the mission marker to the computer to download data about Kraven and his family.


Arsenal Hunter Base in the Upper West Side

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

You’ll find the Arsenal Hunter Base in the northwest of the Upper West Side, inside an abandoned hotel. This one will be unlocked once you’ve completed all Hunter Blinds in the district.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Arsenal Hunter Base Sub-Objectives: 

  • Disable the communications console.
  • Deactivate 4 Hunter lasers.

This Hunter Base has laser grids in several locations, which can make maneuvering around the place tricky. Disable them by entering the hotel through a vent on the west-facing wall of the western tower. It will immediately take you to three of the laser grids and the communication console. Use L1+R1 to yank the lasers’ batteries to deactivate them.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Defeat all the enemies roaming on several levels in every corner of the hotel to complete the Base. Follow the mission marker to the computer to download data on Kraven.

Garden Hunter Base in the Financial District

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

After clearing out the locations of all Hunter Blinds in the Financial District, you’ll unlock the Garden Hunter Base right next to the bridge. This one is located in an underground greenhouse. You’ll have to enter through a manhole and climb along the pipes to get to the Base.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Garden Hunter Base Sub-Objectives: 

  • Disable the communications console.
  • Destroy toxic plants.

After entering the Base, mission markers will show you the locations of two valves. Fire Web Lines and eliminate enemies in stealth to stay undetected. Open the valves with L1+R1 to release herbicide into the sprinkler system and destroy the Hunters’ toxic plants. The third mission marker will take you to the communications console.


Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Once you’ve defeated all the enemies, head to the computer on one side of the room to download the data and find out more about Kraven.

Aviary Hunter Base in Downtown Brooklyn

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


The last Hunter Base in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is located in the northwest of Downtown Brooklyn, inside an abandoned Army Supply Base.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Aviary Hunter Base Sub-Objectives: 

  • Disable the communications console.
  • Overload 3 Talon Drone chargers.

Enter the Hunter Base through the broken glass ceiling and use the mission markers to find the locations of three drone chargers. Connect them to a power supply with your webs to overload the chargers and make them explode. Find the relays in the area and the power supply by pressing R3.

Locations of all Hunter Blinds and Bases in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Defeat all the enemies and head to the marked door. Use L1+R1 to yank it open and interact with the computer inside to get your last piece of intel on Kraven and his charming family.


Once you’ve completed the locations of all Hunter Blinds and Hunter Bases, both Peter and Miles will receive a Hunter-themed suit. And you will be awarded the Seek and Destroy trophy, getting you one step closer to 100% completion and Platinum.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks, check out our other handy gaming guides as well!

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Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 75

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.